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North Haven Letters

Letters • Published Jun 26, 2024 08 am

A Breath of Fresh Air

It has been such a breath of fresh air learning about Brandi Mandato, who I wholeheartedly support for the State Senate seat in District 34! Brandi is just the kind of pe...
Letters • Published Jun 26, 2024 08 am

A Brighter, Healthier, More Properous Future

As a mother of four school-aged children, I am deeply invested in our community’s future. That is why I am wholeheartedly supporting Brandi Mandato for State Senate in Di...
Letters • Published Jun 12, 2024 08 am

Agree to Disagree and Move Forward

If you are a Democrat, Independent, or Unaffiliated voter in North Haven and are frustrated with the misinformation and disinformation from fellow Democrats in our local ...
Letters • Published May 08, 2024 08 am

Vote ‘Yes’

I urge North Haven voters to vote “yes” at the budget referendum on Tuesday, May 21. The proposed budget must pass to avoid cuts to services that directly impact all resi...
Letters • Published May 08, 2024 08 am

Continue Doing a Great Job

On Monday, May 13, North Haven will hold a public budget hearing at North Haven High School, with a town vote following on Tuesday, May 21. This budget is expected to inc...
Letters • Published Apr 03, 2024 08 am


I'm concerned that State Representative Dave Yaccarino's fundraising tactics are putting his fellow veterans in a difficult position. Rep. Yaccarino emailed the Senior Co...
Letters • Published Mar 20, 2024 08 am


A peaceful transfer of power is one of the bedrocks of democracy. I’ve just returned from the first meeting of the North Haven Democratic Town Committee (DTC) since a Jan...
Letters • Published Feb 07, 2024 08 am

A New Dawn

On Jan. 11, something momentous happened at the town Recreational Center. Over 100 registered Democrats came together to elect a new Democratic Town Committee (DTC), the ...
Letters • Published Jan 24, 2024 08 am

Must Be Stopped

There is a proposal to put a dangerous incinerator in North Haven adjacent to Universal Drive. The proposed project of William Gambardella is called “Eco Park.” However, ...
Letters • Published Nov 01, 2023 08 am

A Refreshing Commitment

I write to express my support for Kieran Ahern, the Democratic candidate for the Board of Finance in the upcoming Tuesday, Nov. 7 election. In a political landscape often...
Letters • Published Oct 25, 2023 08 am

Believes in Transparency and Accountability

I am writing to support Nancy Barrett for reelection to the North Haven Board of Finance (BOF). Nancy has done an excellent job over the past four years to provide the be...
Letters • Published Oct 25, 2023 08 am

A Proven Track Record

It is my honor and pleasure to support and endorse First Selectman Mike Freda in his reelection bid for first selectman in the Town of North Haven. Just as important is t...
Letters • Published Sep 13, 2023 03 pm

A Passionate Advocate

Frederick Rodriguez is a remarkable individual known for his unwavering dedication and commitment to our community and its educational system. He is someone who truly und...
Letters • Published Sep 06, 2023 11 am

Dependable and Open-Minded

Attorney Heidi Avila is currently the North Haven Democratic Party endorsed candidate for Board of Education, a businesswoman, a homeowner, a mother, a daughter, a frien...
Letters • Published Sep 06, 2023 11 am

Will Make Positive Contributions

I personally recommend Heidi Avila as a Democratic candidate for the North Haven Board of Education (BOE). She has impressed me with her contributions to the Democratic T...
Letters • Published Sep 06, 2023 11 am

The Best Chance for Future Success

Frederick Rodriguez is running for the North Haven Board of Education (BOE), and I am very pleased to write a letter of support for him. Frederick and his spouse have liv...
Letters • Published Sep 06, 2023 11 am

A Win for North Haven Students

I am writing to encourage democrats to vote for Frederick Rodriguez for the North Haven Board of Education in the primary election on Tuesday, Sept. 12. He has an impress...
Letters • Published Sep 06, 2023 11 am

Exactly the Qualities

I wholeheartedly endorse Democrats Amanda Gabriele, Thais Moore, and Lori Mansur for the Board of Education (BOE). Over the last five years, this trio played a major role...
Letters • Published Sep 06, 2023 11 am

Sticking Up for Positive Change

On Tuesday, Sept. 12, Democratic voters of North Haven will have a choice of three out of five candidates for Board of Education. Of those, only three have chosen to run...
Letters • Published Sep 06, 2023 11 am

Our Children Need Your Vote

On Sept. 12, there will be an important Democratic Primary to determine who will run for Board of Education (BOE) positions in November. I’m writing today to support Aman...
Letters • Published Aug 30, 2023 07 am

Using Her Voice

On September 12, registered Democrats will be voting in an important primary election for the selection of Board of Education members who will be candidates in the Novemb...
Letters • Published Jul 26, 2023 08 am

Meet the Team

I am writing today to share my full support for Amanda Gabriele, Lori Mansur, and Thais Moore as outstanding candidates for the North Haven Board of Education (BOE). Educ...
Letters • Published Jul 19, 2023 08 am

Great Slate of Candidates

I write to you today in full support of the North Haven Board of Education (BOE) candidacy of three exceptional members of our community, Lori Mansur, Thais Moore, and Am...
Letters • Published Jul 19, 2023 08 am

Full Support

I write to you today in full support of Lori Mansur, Thais Moore, and Amanda Gabriele, running for the North Haven Board of Education this coming November. Thais and Aman...
Letters • Published Jun 07, 2023 12 pm

Nominate for a Second Term

I am writing this letter in support of the nomination of Amanda Gabriele for a second term to the North Haven Board of Education. Having been in and around the world of e...
Letters • Published May 31, 2023 08 am

In the Best Interest of North Haven

I am writing to support the nomination of Amanda Gabriele for a second term on the Board of Education (BOE). I served on both BOE and the ACES board for 20 years, so I fe...
Letters • Published Apr 19, 2023 08 am

Real-World Consequences to Choices

This past Tuesday, North Haven presented a proposed 2023-’24 budget. In the face of a tax increase, the first in five years, North Haven has prioritized police and sanita...
Letters • Published Dec 07, 2022 08 am

Thanks to All

I’m hoping this reaches those who attended my retirement celebration on Nov. 13. I was overwhelmed and grateful to reconnect with so many people. Thanks to all who put th...
Letters • Published Nov 23, 2022 08 am

Hopeful and Proud

Sometimes the world feels chaotic and overwhelming. What roots and centers us is a steadfast feeling of community and belonging. Last Thursday, at the November Board of E...
Letters • Published Nov 02, 2022 08 am

Character, Dignity, and Integrity

I would like to take this opportunity to write on behalf of our outstanding State Representative Dave Yaccarino. I have known Dave personally for over 25 years, and he is...
Letters • Published Sep 14, 2022 08 am

Deep Gratitude is Extended

This year marked the 70th anniversary of the North Haven Lions Club and its service to North Haven. During the Lions’ year that ended June 30m we volunteered 1,058 hours ...
Letters • Published Mar 30, 2022 08 am

Shocked and Dismayed

I was shocked and dismayed when I read the article regarding the woman who was charged with driving under the influence, first-degree larceny of a motor vehicle, assault ...
Letters • Published Jan 12, 2022 07 am

Working in Concert

During such a trying time, it’s wonderful to have North Haven First Selectman Mike Freda, our police department, fire department, and CERT volunteers working in concert o...
Letters • Published Dec 01, 2021 07 am

A Perfect Choice

I write today concerning solar energy and its viability for North Haven public schools. I would like the school system to strongly consider applying solar panels to the r...
Letters • Published Oct 27, 2021 08 am

Experience, Knowledge, and Preparation

This November, North Haveners will go to the polls to choose a first, second and third selectman. The third selectman represents the minority party and the interest and c...
Letters • Published Oct 27, 2021 08 am

The Virtues Needed

I was just thinking that I have known my sister, Sally Buemi, for 65 years. We have played, learned, laughed, and cried together. Our parents strove to instill in us, alo...
Letters • Published Oct 27, 2021 08 am

Necessary Experience and Knowledge

Eleven years ago, Frederick Rodriguez and his family moved to North Haven. An important factor for this move was that Fred and his wife were eager that his two children c...
Letters • Published Oct 27, 2021 08 am

Generous, Trustworthy, and Fair

I have known Sally Buemi for nine years. For the last eight years, I have followed her service on the Board of Selectman in North Haven. I have found, by reading her “I W...
Letters • Published Oct 27, 2021 08 am

Passionate about the Town

I am writing this letter endorsing Sally Buemi for selectmen. I have known Sally for 40 years. She has always been passionate about the town of North Haven and its citize...
Letters • Published Oct 27, 2021 08 am

Listen, Decide, and Act

We have lived in North Haven for several decades and we’re extremely proud to call it our home. A very big reason for this is that Mike Freda is our first selectman. Mike...
Letters • Published Oct 27, 2021 08 am

Represents All Voices

What we do this Nov. 2 is the most important task before us. North Haven is at a big moment in our town’s history. This local election will decide which direction our tow...
Letters • Published Oct 20, 2021 08 am

Dedication and Experience

I am a lifelong North Haven resident (North Haven High School Class of ‘68 and former football captain) and I am writing to encourage all citizens to vote for Sally Buemi...
Letters • Published Oct 20, 2021 08 am

Demonstrated Unwavering Dedication

I offer my complete and enthusiastic endorsement of Sally Buemi, the incumbent candidate for selectman in the November municipal election. As a lifelong resident of North...
Letters • Published Oct 20, 2021 08 am

Always Wants the Best

I am writing to support Sally Buemi for re-election to the North Haven Board of Selectmen. I have been watching Sally for many years and she does a great job as third sel...
Letters • Published Oct 20, 2021 08 am

Tireless Work Ethic and Devotion

Mike Freda has earned and deserves your readers’ votes to be reelected first selectman. He is entirely devoted to the best interests of our town. During my 30 years of bu...
Letters • Published Oct 20, 2021 08 am

Approachable and Willing to Listen

It will be my pleasure to vote for Sally Buemi for Selectman in the November election. Sally grew up in North Haven, went to school in North Haven, and now practices law ...
Letters • Published Oct 13, 2021 08 am

Stepping Up to Help

One of the many reasons why I love living in North Haven is that there are so many great folks invested and involved in the community. I became aware of Carl Kordek’s can...
Letters • Published Oct 13, 2021 08 am

A Proven Track Record

It is my honor and pleasure to support and endorse First Selectman Michael Freda and Second Selectman William Pieper in their re-election bid on the Board of Selectmen in...
Letters • Published Oct 13, 2021 08 am

The Skills and Experience

My name is Sally Buemi and I am seeking re-election as a selectman in North Haven. I’ve been serving on the Board of Selectmen for eight years. I’ve been privileged to ta...
Letters • Published Oct 13, 2021 08 am

Public Service is the Lifeblood

David Cohen is running for a seat on the North Haven Board of Finance. In his role as in-house counsel for a public company based in Wallingford, David oversees the legal...