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Saturday, July 27, 2024


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Guilford Letters

Letters • Published Jul 24, 2024 08 am


If you've tried to ride Shore Line East (SLE) lately, you know it's not functioning well. Since 2020, service has been reduced by 66%, thanks to the Lamont Administration...
Letters • Published Jul 17, 2024 08 am

Four Petitions

On June 28, four petitions were submitted to the Town Clerk, each signed by approximately 90 Guilford registered voters. Two of these petitions concern the APT methadone ...
Letters • Published Jul 17, 2024 08 am

Pleased and Impressed

If you cannot cook for yourself and do not have someone who can provide a meal for you, what are your options? Would you enjoy having a nutritious hot or cold meal delive...
Letters • Published Jul 17, 2024 08 am

Can Happen Again

On June 20, a very important event took place at the Guilford Community Center. Specifically, the premier of the documentary Ignored and Disrespected, (Just the facts abo...
Letters • Published Jul 17, 2024 08 am

Thank You

Guilford Interfaith Volunteers, the home of Meals on Wheels, Charlies Closet, and Friendly Visiting, would like to thank Marc Amato of Amato’s Lawn Care in East Haven for...
Letters • Published Jul 11, 2024 08 am

Very Fortunate

Guilford Interfaith Volunteers would like to thank the Women’s Club of Madison for their generous financial contribution to Charlie’s Closet. Charlie’s Closet, located in...
Letters • Published Jul 03, 2024 08 am

A Better Indicator

On June 20, a front-page article in the Guilford Courier entitled “Cannabis Sales Moratorium Extended” quoted Guilford First Selectman Matt Hoey as saying, the town would...
Letters • Published Jun 19, 2024 08 am

Massive Failure of Leadership

The disaster on Boston Post Road, aka the APT Foundation methadone clinic, proceeds apace under the tone-deaf and callous administration of First Selectman Matt Hoey and ...
Letters • Published Jun 19, 2024 08 am

Lest it Be Hypocritical

Seven years ago, a local news channel carried the story of Project Purple in Guilford to highlight the reason why Guilford has flown purple flags. They have been a remind...
Letters • Published Jun 05, 2024 08 am


It was eye-opening to witness the “vote yes” campaign waged by the Guilford Democrats, Guilford High School (GHS) Connections, and the Town of Guilford. In their May 18 e...
Letters • Published May 29, 2024 08 am

Could Happen in Your Backyard

The Tremaine Foundation (EHTF) plans to abandon New Haven and move to 6 Opening Hill Road, Madison, on a tax-free basis in an effort to transform a rural, highly desirabl...
Letters • Published May 29, 2024 08 am

A Success

Guilford Meals on Wheels would like to thank everyone involved with making the 4th annual Disc Golf Tournament a success.  We had a soggy day on May 18; however, this did...
Letters • Published May 29, 2024 08 am

Let’s Learn More

A medical facility has been proposed for the Boston Post Road near other medical facilities on Goose Lane. Education about addiction and medication-assisted treatment (MA...
Letters • Published May 29, 2024 08 am

Thank You

I want to extend a huge thank you to the Town of Guilford, First Selectman Matt Hoey, our sponsors, volunteers, vendors, food trucks, entertainment, state reps, and the G...
Letters • Published May 29, 2024 08 am

Refine His Sales Pitch

David Roberts’ May 16 letter (“Taken For Fools”) was refreshing. A modicum of politeness may be the norm in Guilford, but there’s nothing like blatant rudeness to wake pe...
Letters • Published May 22, 2024 08 am

Thank You, Guilford

Thank you to the Guilford community and all who supported the Guilford High School (GHS) spring musical, Legally Blonde. Guilford High School Theatre Arts (GHSTA) creates...
Letters • Published May 22, 2024 08 am

Thank You

As chair of the Friends of the Guilford Free Library’s recent spring sale, I am pleased once again to thank everyone who contributed to the event. First, I would like to ...
Letters • Published May 15, 2024 08 am

Support the Town

My wife Katherine and I moved to Guilford several years ago. We knew we were moving to a beautiful town but could not have imagined how friendly, warm, and caring Guilfor...
Letters • Published May 15, 2024 08 am

Confronts the Economic Reality

I am writing to support the revised town budgets for the Town of Guilford and the Board of Education (BOE) for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2024. Please show your...
Letters • Published May 15, 2024 08 am

Taken For Fools

Now we have the schedule for the revised town budget, and we can see the token cut offered in the hope that we will be worn down by the process. That taxpayers would be h...
Letters • Published May 15, 2024 08 am

Continue to Fund Them

I am writing in support of the fiscal year 2024-’25 Guilford town budget. I hope all registered voters interested in keeping our town departments funded and our school di...
Letters • Published May 15, 2024 08 am

We Can Do Better

I very much hope that my fellow Guilford residents will join me in voting to support the revised budget on Tuesday, May 21. The turnout for the first budget vote was a me...
Letters • Published May 15, 2024 08 am

Great Schools Benefit Everyone

When our family prepared to move to the Connecticut Shoreline 30 years ago, we wanted to know which town had the best schools. It didn’t hurt that Guilford was also the p...
Letters • Published May 08, 2024 08 am

Pay Attention and Vote

I get it; no one likes taxes, particularly ones that are persistent and never seem to go down. “Death and taxes” is the apt phrase. However, as a citizen and homeowner he...
Letters • Published May 08, 2024 08 am


Right before the April budget referendum, signs popped up around town warning of a 4.5% tax increase. The tactic allowed no time for a response. For more information, I a...
Letters • Published May 08, 2024 08 am

A Huge Thanks

The Guilford Fund for Education (GFFE) is an incredible organization, and I want to thank its members for their commitment to encouraging innovation in education. I have ...
Letters • Published May 08, 2024 08 am

Don’t Go Nearly Far Enough

As a result of the disappointment expressed by many Guilford citizens regarding the conduct of Town officials at the annual town budget meeting on April 2, the Board of S...
Letters • Published May 08, 2024 08 am

Not Yet, Cut More

Vote with your own budget in mind. Be your own advocate once again. We were heard after we voted the budget down at the last budget referendum. Let's shout this time. In ...
Letters • Published May 01, 2024 08 am

Proliferated Like Weeds

There is a lot of ugly that has sprouted in Guilford in the last few years — and it’s not all political. The overabundance of temporary signage (aka sandwich board signs,...
Letters • Published May 01, 2024 08 am

We Need to Change This

I suspect the budget increase being rejected at referendum was a pleasant surprise to many after numerous previous years’ increases were approved. The fact that we have a...
Letters • Published May 01, 2024 08 am

Change the Name

I am writing to bring attention to an issue that has long been overlooked in our town: use of the term “Board of Selectmen.” This title may seem innocuous to some, but th...
Letters • Published Apr 24, 2024 08 am

Could it Be?

On April 16, Guilford registered voters went to the polls to approve or disapprove the proposed 2024-'25 Town Budget. Just after 8 p.m., the results started coming in fro...
Letters • Published Apr 24, 2024 08 am

Thank You

The Tomaselli family would like to thank the Guilford Fire Department for putting out the fire at our house on State Street. Their quick response saved the majority of ou...
Letters • Published Apr 24, 2024 08 am


The April 2 town meeting was exciting. The first order of business, appointing the moderator, proved contentious. By voice vote, a majority approved Bill Bloss. A “formal...
Letters • Published Apr 24, 2024 08 am

Stay the Course

Recently, I had been pondering whether Guilford’s leaders had ever proposed a zero-increase budget. If so, not in recent years, but now the current proposed budget increa...
Letters • Published Apr 17, 2024 08 am


Guilford Art Center would like to thank First Selectman Matt Hoey and The Guilford Foundation for their support through the distribution of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA...
Letters • Published Apr 10, 2024 08 am

Where is the Compassion and Kindness?

I did not attend either of the meetings concerning the methadone clinic. However, I must respond to the letter written by Jill Paglino ("Much Too Good," March 28) referen...
Letters • Published Apr 10, 2024 08 am

Vote ‘No’

The political antics of this little one-party town were on full display at the town meeting on April 2. First Selectman Matt Hoey and his cabal of accomplices managed, o...
Letters • Published Apr 10, 2024 08 am

Deny the Request

We, the citizens, families, neighbors, and local property owners, oppose the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation’s (EHTF) plans to develop 6 Opening Hill Road. The EHTF’s prop...
Letters • Published Apr 10, 2024 08 am

Send a Strong Message

On April 2 at the Guilford Annual Town Budget Meeting, the bullying tactics of First Selectman Matt Hoey, Selectman Lou Federici, Town Council Peter Barrett, Bill Bloss, ...
Letters • Published Apr 10, 2024 08 am

Proud of You All

Recently, I had the pleasure of attending the Guilford High School musical Legally Blonde. Once again, Guilford put on a stellar performance and it seemed as if each part...
Letters • Published Apr 10, 2024 08 am


I attended the budget meeting at Guilford High School on April 2 to hear the discussion regarding how our money is being spent. I knew there would be attendees prepared t...
Letters • Published Apr 03, 2024 08 am

Extend the Same Welcome Mat

Perhaps you’ve noticed that many of our local churches provide regular meeting space for both Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous programs. I would bet these mee...
Letters • Published Apr 03, 2024 08 am

Vote ‘Yes’

I want to voice my support for the Town of Guilford and Board of Education Budget and encourage community members to do the same. I believe our town and school leaders ha...
Letters • Published Mar 27, 2024 08 am

Objection is to the Location

Recently, a controversy has grown in Guilford over a methadone clinic set to open on the Boston Post Road. Many residents have written letters to the newspaper expressing...
Letters • Published Mar 27, 2024 08 am

Be Your Own Best Advocate

In the fall of 2022, many Guilford homeowners saw our house values assessed at a 48% increase, which led to hefty property tax increases. Then, in 2023, our property taxe...
Letters • Published Mar 27, 2024 08 am

Get Their Attention

It seems like only yesterday that I reached that time when it looked like, with prudency, I would enjoy, if not a lavish retirement, at least a financially secure one. Ho...
Letters • Published Mar 27, 2024 08 am

Much Too Good

I've now attended two meetings about the proposed methadone clinic on Route 1. I wasn't that interested in the topic, but a friend asked me to come along, so I've learned...
Letters • Published Mar 20, 2024 08 am

Will Positively Impact Hundreds of Lives

I write to express my sadness at the negative reaction to the proposed methadone clinic. I have been a resident for 11 years, and in all that time, I have cherished the c...
Letters • Published Mar 20, 2024 08 am

Should Belong to the People

In 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson gave a speech to Congress in which he declared that “government is best which is closest to the people.” In the same speech, he warned against ...