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Essex Sports Person Of The Week

Person of the Week • Published Oct 15, 2024 11 am

Iselin Eyes Consistent Sense of Fulfillment on the Course for Valley Cross Country

Sadie Iselin is an athlete who never stops challenging herself to see what new avenue or endeavor she can dominate. She additionally loves the adrenaline rush of a runner...
Person of the Week • Published Oct 08, 2024 02 pm

Whitbeck Helping to Will Warriors Boys’ Soccer Resurgence

For Birch Whitbeck, he took a slight detour in his athletic upbringing from the soccer turf. Yet when it all unfolded, he stuck with his first and true love. Now, his pas...
Person of the Week • Published Oct 01, 2024 11 am

Delouchry Dedicated to Athletic Gains and Personal Development for Valley Girls’ Soccer

Sara Delouchry always saw soccer as an outlet to not only showcase her athleticism, but also as an escape to gain a new level of enjoyment in life alongside friends. It h...
Person of the Week • Published Sep 24, 2024 10 am

McIntyre Motivated by Competition as Junior Captain for Valley Soccer

As Payton McIntyre has sunk her teeth into the sport of soccer, she has cultivated an internal sense of competitiveness that has never ceased to exist in her body and sou...
Person of the Week • Published Sep 17, 2024 12 pm

Crown Wearing the Captain’s Title with Great Pride and Passion for Valley Soccer

From the early stages of his youth, Nathan Crown has virtually been tethered to a soccer ball. The attachment has paved the way for a mutually beneficial relationship bet...
Person of the Week • Published Sep 10, 2024 01 pm

Goldberg Always Up for a Challenge as Defensive Leader, Captain for Valley

Lena Goldberg did not find her way to a field hockey turf until right before her high school career began. But in such a short span, the Valley Regional athlete has cover...
Person of the Week • Published Aug 30, 2024 11 am

Lelyo Embraces the Ups and Downs as Future Captain of Valley Lax

Michael Lelyo did not pick up a single lacrosse stick until just over two years ago. Still, he jumped right into the fray and made up for lost time, and he has championed...
Person of the Week • Published Aug 27, 2024 10 am

Beckwith Boasted Great Rookie Run with Deep River Horseshoes

Hunter Beckwith has had a long storied history with the Deep River Horseshoe League through family connections. Yet this past campaign, he stepped right onto the scene fo...
Person of the Week • Published Aug 20, 2024 12 pm

Ishman Leads with Grace and Garners Team Admiration with Valley Lax

Grace Ishman is not so much concerned about padding her stats by being a sharp-shooting and sniping scorer. For her, she is always focused on the grander picture and the ...
Person of the Week • Published Aug 13, 2024 11 am

Rookie Russell Rose to the Occasion as Singles Starter at Valley

Tennis can bring forth a lot of changes of fortune in a split second instant. One must keep a steady and hard-working mind ready to move on a swivel. For Riley Russell, s...
Person of the Week • Published Aug 06, 2024 10 am

Bragdon Champions Camaraderie as Captain on Defense for Valley Lax

Lily Bragdon really loves how every single piece on the field of a fast-paced lacrosse game must coalesce so succinctly and efficiently to nab growth. She really put that...
Person of the Week • Published Jul 30, 2024 12 am

Alexander Assumed All Jobs as Dedicated Team Manager for Valley Tennis

Many times in our lives, when we are hit with disappointing news, what defines us is not the circumstance itself but rather the road of response we choose. For Abi Alexan...
Person of the Week • Published Jul 23, 2024 10 am

Lunz Showed Grace and Class in Assuming New Position for Valley Girls’ Lax

Grace Lunz not only took on a new leadership office on the lacrosse turf this past spring, but she also stepped outside her comfort zone into a whole new tier of the turf...
Person of the Week • Published Jul 16, 2024 11 am

Bonanno Boasts Great Passion for the Court for Valley

Sophia Bonanno originally just had tennis as a secondary sport and hobby when it came to her athletic upbringing. Yet her heart and drive to improve and succeed within th...
Person of the Week • Published Jul 08, 2024 02 pm

Resnisky Ran with Leaps to Junior Captain,Netminder for Valley Girls’ Lax

The switch from underclassmen to upper as a junior is a benchmark moment in the hearts and minds of several high school student-athletes. For Lucy Resinsky, she made all ...
Person of the Week • Published Jun 18, 2024 12 pm

Costanzo Quick on the Draw as Second Team All-State Faceoff Man

Cameron Costanzo was always drawn to the fast-paced nature of lacrosse, as it drew him from the diamond to the turf. His passion for the game and the need for speed allow...
Person of the Week • Published Jun 11, 2024 12 pm

Gardner Grabbed the Reins of Rowing as Valley Crew Captain

A little more than two years ago, Millie Gardner did not row one stroke of organized crew in her life. Yet in such a short span, she has made a tremendous impact on the V...
Person of the Week • Published Jun 04, 2024 11 am

Sullivan was Rock Solid as Steady Attacker and Captain for Valley Boys’ Lax

Sullivan Rock was always drawn to contact sports in his younger years. Yet it was one with the most swiftness in lacrosse that drew him deeper into the game–leading to hi...
Person of the Week • Published May 24, 2024 02 am

Dahl Did It All as Consummate Court Captain for Valley Regional Boys’ Tennis

It was evident for quite some time that the baseline was in Tomas Dahl’s bloodline. His heart and passion for the court came coursing throughout the Valley Regional campu...
Person of the Week • Published May 21, 2024 11 am

Jones Loves to Electrify with Emotions on the Dance Floor

Several sports can often elicit emotional expression from the intensity of competition. Yet for Lilly Jones in the realm of competitive dance, she harnesses the emotions ...
Person of the Week • Published May 14, 2024 11 am

Ruel Commands Commitment and Enjoyment as Captain for Valley Golf

Staying fully committed to the course and blocking out any outside noise or volume between the ears has helped Tyler Ruel become both a skilled golfer and leader, along w...
Person of the Week • Published May 07, 2024 11 am

Santangelo a Stellar Stopper and Squad Leader as Captain for Valley Boys’ Lax

Noah Santangelo has stood tall as a superb stopper for the Valley Regional boys’ lacrosse team. Yet one thing he has certainly not swatted away is the opportunity to step...
Person of the Week • Published Apr 30, 2024 01 pm

Akehurst Ascends on the Floor as Dynamic Dancer

Dancing is a sport that is quite unique when compared to some run-of-the-mill-athletic activities. It permits a plethora of creativity and chances to express yourself. Fo...
Person of the Week • Published Apr 23, 2024 11 am

Valley Gymnastics Rookie Reilly Earned a Super Spot on State’s Regional Team

Emma Reilly craves the competition when it comes to gymnastics, but she also enjoys the free flowing and creative elements of the sport. Both of those facets of the mat b...
Person of the Week • Published Apr 02, 2024 11 am

Bisson Breaks Through 100 Career Point Barrier with Mount Holyoke Lax

Emi Bisson spent her tenure with Valley Regional being one of the more stronger and decorated players in the girls’ lacrosse program. Utilizing the ultimate asset of conf...
Person of the Week • Published Mar 05, 2024 10 am

Pilon’s Persistence on Progress Lands Her College Lax Commitment

When it comes to her skill set and acumen with the game of lacrosse, Rowan Pilon takes a slow but steady approach of improving herself every instance of every day. That g...
Person of the Week • Published Feb 27, 2024 11 am

Faucher’s Fortitude Thrust Him into College Baseball Commitment

The game of baseball often imitates life and instills great lessons from it. It often showcases the idea that when you persist with positivity, you can truly ascend. This...
Person of the Week • Published Jan 30, 2024 12 am

Dolinsky Developing into Steady Shot for Warriors Hoops

No matter where the ball lands once he fires it from his hands, whether off the iron or tickling the twine, Noah Dolinsky takes a new piece of information from each strik...
Person of the Week • Published Jan 23, 2024 10 am

Cunningham Crafting Her Game Along the Boys’ Court for Valley

Basketball is an imperfect game, with many flaws that can occur in a given play. It serves as a great metaphor for life in making the best out of any setbacks or disappoi...
Person of the Week • Published Jan 16, 2024 11 am

Ensinger Expanding Upon His Skills as Eastern Point Guard

Cade Ensinger underwent a maturation process during his time at Valley Regional into a leader and First Team all-league competitor. Yet now as a Warrior of a different il...
Person of the Week • Published Jan 03, 2024 10 am

Connell Craves Connections and Camaraderie for Valley Unified Sports

When it comes to Valley Unified Sports, there is not a contest or competition that Allison Connell has not conquered and mastered. Yet more importantly, she has done it w...
Person of the Week • Published Dec 27, 2023 12 pm

Strecker Striding for Success as Equestrian Competitor

Dog has been championed as man’s best friend, with a special bond that is shared between both parties. Yet for Ainsley Strecker, she is adding an addendum to that express...
Person of the Week • Published Dec 19, 2023 11 am

Sahadi Slid Seamlessly into Football for Valley Regional-Old Lyme

Eli Sahadi always had the passion to play football and the athletic acumen to perform on the field, and he took full advantage of the opportunity to showcase that to the ...
Person of the Week • Published Dec 13, 2023 02 pm

Shea Shined as Captain for Young Valley Field Hockey Squad

Once Clara Shea first grasped a field hockey stick in junior high, she knew it was something she could truly sink her teeth into and advance far within the sport. And bac...
Person of the Week • Published Dec 07, 2023 10 am

Alsback Ready to Strut Her Stuff at IDO World Tap Dance Championships

From starting in dance as soon as she was old enough to do so, and participating in her inaugural solo within competitive dancing from the age of 8, Chloe Alsback’s undyi...
Person of the Week • Published Nov 28, 2023 11 am

Reardon Wrought Support to All Teammates as Valley Field Hockey Captain

Support has been at the center of Abby Reardon’s relationship with the sport of field hockey. She had tremendous encouragement from peers and coaches to grasp the game ra...
Person of the Week • Published Nov 21, 2023 02 pm

Hallie Giving Moore as a Sophomore Standout for Valley Volleyball

In such a short stint, Hallie Moore has not only had a meteoric rise up the varsity ladder for the Valley Regional volleyball team, but she has additionally earned the re...
Person of the Week • Published Nov 15, 2023 10 am

Llivichuzca Led with Pitch Passion as Valley Soccer Captain

From essentially the first time he could walk, Deryck Llivichuzca’s moving feet were always accompanied by a soccer ball. It was that passion and devotion to the game tha...
Person of the Week • Published Oct 24, 2023 11 am

Holly is Well Above Board as Swift and Sound Runner for Valley Girls’ XC

The long and winding course that has been Holly Board’s race within athletics has gone down many paths, but it has come full circle by reigniting her passion for running ...
Person of the Week • Published Oct 18, 2023 06 am

Siegel Sought Support in Field Hockey Return After ACL Tear

In team sports, one can learn a lot about themselves through a devastating personal setback. For Madeline Siegel, her hurdle paved the way to a two-way lane to long-term ...
Person of the Week • Published Oct 11, 2023 09 am

Welch Wields Passion for the Pitch as Positive Leader for Valley

Liam Welch’s journey within the sport of soccer did take a lengthy pause and sabbatical, but the passion for the pitch always lied deep within him, and he is very thankfu...
Person of the Week • Published Oct 05, 2023 07 am

Smith Moving Swiftly on the Fast Track for Valley Girls’ Soccer

Ella Smith took right to the sport of soccer ever since she first laced up her cleats in her formative grade school years, and her efforts and desires to succeed have par...
Person of the Week • Published Sep 27, 2023 07 am

Petrone Projects Loud and Clear as Captain for Valley Volleyball

With so many constant moving pieces on the chess board that is a volleyball court during any given match, keeping the lines of communication freely flowing is a big indic...
Person of the Week • Published Sep 05, 2023 02 pm

Valentin Put Heart into Horseshoes as Youngest Player for Deep River

This summer across the shoreline within the Deep River Horseshoe League, one of the biggest stories of the campaign was the rapid and meteoric rise and emergence of a you...
Person of the Week • Published Aug 31, 2023 07 am

Bradbury was a Grand Scorer, Leader for Valley Regional Girls’ Hoops

The Valley Regional High School Class of 2023 was full of decorated student-athletes, but when looking at it on a closer scope through the lens of the girls’ basketball p...
Person of the Week • Published Aug 11, 2023 05 am

Valley’s Metz Ready to Make Mark on Castleton Gridiron

Brotherhood through struggles and achieving strength and victory has truly attracted Adam Metz to the gridiron, and now after a long standing career within the game, he g...
Person of the Week • Published Aug 02, 2023 11 am

Keyworth Taking Equestrian Talents to Savannah College

The bond between human beings and animals is one that has been unbroken for centuries and yields the greatest qualities among both parties involved. Addison Keyworth has ...
Person of the Week • Published Jul 25, 2023 11 pm

Cox Committed to Colby After Vaulting Valley Football

The more grueling a game is, quite often the deeper the connections that are cultivated through the grind. The theorem is certainly bolstered when it comes to Nick Cox’s ...
Person of the Week • Published Jul 18, 2023 12 pm

Libby Continuing Lax Journey After Being Steady Senior Captain for Valley

For Maizy Libby, playing goalie in lacrosse, much less continuing it in college, was the furthest thing on her mind upon first stepping foot onto the campus of Valley Reg...
Person of the Week • Published Jul 14, 2023 08 am

Costanzo a First-Team All-League Faceoff Phenom for Valley Boys’ Lax

Ben Costanzo tried different sports such as soccer and baseball growing up and drew upon experiences from each endeavor, but it all paved the way towards him becoming one...