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Tuesday, October 22, 2024


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Congratulations on your new business, business anniversary, or milestone!

To help keep readers updated on the latest local news, we offer the In Business feature. This section offers a variety of business news, from new business openings to major renovations or change of ownership or a milestone year such as 10, 20, 25, or 30.

The In Business feature is not an ad; it's a way to give our readers a quick introduction to what's happening in your business. We base the feature off of information you submit through this form. All of the submitted information may not be included and is subject to editing for content. To ensure the most effective announcement, please follow the word count guidelines.

For the photo to accompany your submission, we strongly suggest a well-lit interior photo that gives readers a good idea of what they'll encounter when they visit your business. Exterior shots (such as ribbon cuttings) provide little information to the reader beyond what your sign looks like and will not be published. You'll make the most of this opportunity with a good, inside photo of some of the business principals and products or service areas.

When you've taken your photo and completed this form, hit "submit" to send your announcement to our editorial staff. We are sometimes able to process In Business features within three weeks of your submission, though available space restrictions may lead to delays. We will confirm receipt of your submission, but due to space constraints and the nature of the news business, we cannot guarantee when we'll be able to run the feature in print. As the feature is a news item and not an ad, we do not offer proofs or review before publication.

Step 1

Business Basics

Step 2

Business Details

Step 3

Submit a Photo

Step 4

Contact Info