Will seek New Way to Ease the Burden
I write in support of John Connelly, who is seeking election as an alternate member of the Board of Finance on the Democratic ticket. After a 45-year teaching career, John is now serving as a building substitute teacher at Valley Regional High School. John is passionate about directing the financial resources of Chester to not only meet the town’s critical contingencies but also to create new avenues for growth that meet the evolving needs of longtime citizens and newer residents and that also attract families to Chester who can thrive here. Having attended a number Board of Finance meetings, John is keenly aware of what contributes to the town’s rising mill rate. As a historian with a social science background, he understands how increased taxes, a decreasing population, and a rising cohort of retirees impact a town. His focus as an alternate member of the Board of Finance will be to seek new ways to ease the burden on our taxpayers while sustaining the qualities of life that we all treasure in Chester. Please support John Connelly with your vote on Nov. 7.
Brian Dailey