A Recipe for Public Health, Safety, and Traffic Disaster
I would like to go on record opposing the overdevelopment plan for 47 Middlesex Turnpike being proposed to Chester by Vesta and Honeycomb Corporation. It has been made clear by professional expert engineers on record at various Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) meetings that substantial health and safety dangers will be caused to Chester residents and to the potential housing tenants by this thoughtless overdevelopment being shoved at our community by these disingenuous businessmen who seek your approval to cram 100 people into 14 cheap buildings including 60 or more cars onto a little over one-acre site at the gateway to our beautiful town strictly for their profit by taking advantage of a flawed, outdated and unrealistic 8-30G law that even our state representative said needs to be fixed.
The Vesta - Honeycomb Corporation plan is a recipe for public health, safety, and traffic disaster, and residents of Chester urge you to deny a building permit to these out-of-touch developers who come before your commission. Please spend more time seriously considering the significantly better options available to our community before moving ahead. Options that do not pose dangerous health and public safety risks to us all and plans that are in line with the needs of our town that follow more closely Chester’s own plan of conservation and development.
Jody Dole