Another Successful Year
The Scranton Library Friends wishes to thank our community for another successful year. Without your generous donations of gently loved books, we’d have nothing to sell to raise money for the Library! And a heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers who worked throughout the year and most recently at our September book sale: Judy Andrews, Ingrid Oris, Sally Slomba, Carolyn Martinelli, Mary Ouimet, Colleen Cummings, Diane Vanacourt, Joyce Royce, Arline Morrissey, Gayle Buchawick, Doris DeWees, Betsey Piner, Denise Rose, Susannah Graedel, Sandy Long, Marsha Brunelle, Debra Halvorsen, Mark Halversen, Agnes Rath, Pam Frye, Pam Skelly, Hank Robinson, Barbra Buckley, Marta Carbone, Carmela Scialabba, and Bob Gerard. We couldn’t do it without you!
Our donation cabinets are closed for the season; we’ll be back in the spring. Follow our Facebook page for updates.
Laurie Gerard
Scranton Library Friends Book Sale Chair