Ask Questions
As I talk to residents, I hear the same themes: “What does one vote do?” “My vote doesn’t change anything!” “I’m not really into politics.” I’ve said the same things before, but we are now seeing political decisions being made on the national, state, and local level that have the ability to affect us in our everyday lives. Here’s my point: if you don’t ask your leaders questions and vote, you will not be represented properly. I asked questions of my leaders, on both the state and local level. I made sure I understood our leaders’ views and I voted for people that shared my views.
A Town Council election is coming up and a state representative race has two Clinton people running. Ask questions. Here’s a few: What percent should be in the undesignated fund? What about next year’s Mill rate? What’s going on with Pierson? What’s happening with Indian River’s turf field? Where’s the fire department relocating?
I ask all Clinton voters to seek to understand your town leaders’ positions and show approval or disapproval by voting. Voter turnout in Clinton has been very low lately. Let’s change that together.
Chris Passante
Chris Passante is a member of the Clinton Town Council.