A Tireless Volunteer
Recent comments about the legality of Killingworth Republican Eileen Blewett holding dual offices are erroneous, I believe.
Blewett, a current selectman and Board of Education member, is running for re-election to both positions, which she has held for the past two years without complaint. She is a tireless volunteer who has given nearly innumerable hours to benefit our town, regional school system & other worthy causes.
The Town of Killingworth Charter clearly states that no selectman may also hold a simultaneous position on another town board, defining “board” as one established by town ordinance or charter provisions. The Regional Board of Education is not a town board and was not established by town ordinance or charter provision but rather was instituted through the state statutes and referendums of the respective towns.
Notwithstanding these facts, the town desires to continue this charade of attempting a legal maneuver to deny Ms. Blewett the opportunity to continue serving in both positions should the voters of Killingworth desire to re-elect her to both. Sadly, this will now cost the taxpayers more money to fight to impose this errant view upon Ms. Blewett and the voters of Killingworth.
The timing of the issue of Eileen Blewett’s dual service is also suspect. This summer, Blewett raised the issue of the composition of the Charter Review Commission as a clear violation of Connecticut statute. Her suggested remedy to the problem was rejected. Only after this commission issue was raised was an investigation of Ms. Blewett’s dual service commenced, which the charter’s own terms do not prohibit.
It is high time for the people of Killingworth to decide these issues at the ballot box rather than resorting to legal maneuvers.
Andrew J. O’Neill