The Blame Game
I’ve been involved in the East Haven budgeting process for 22 years. Noreen Clough is a trusted partner in many town roles, but none more important than our role on the Board of Finance (BOF).
I consulted with Noreen on her June 16 letter “Duty-Bound to Respond.” Noreen was truthful. The Maturo administration budgeted carelessly and now plays the blame game. Maturo’s blame game goes beyond budgets. His blaming usually comes to the BOF, because the blame involves taxpayer money. A female employee sued the town and Maturo for sexual harassment. Maturo blamed the woman; he fired her; town lawyers defended him; he settled; and now the town pays the woman and her spouse lifetime medical benefits. Maturo blamed others when he got in a car accident with his town car—an accident that still costs the town money. He blamed his town engineer and the Public Works Department director, town employees, before firing them—that also cost the town money.
In his July 14 letter [“One Thing I Know”], he takes credit for the $1.2 million Fiscal Year 2018-’19 deficit, but blames his finance director. His 2019-’20 budget ended in a $1.8-million deficit, and now Maturo blames the Carfora administration. He blames everyone for everything.
The second deficit of $1.8 million is a result of bad budgeting and the exact same mistake Maturo made that gave us the $1.2-million deficit.
I advise Maturo to not threaten us nor attack the character of people like Noreen. This town never looked better; budgeting has never been done more responsibly. As vice-chair of the BOF and a representative of this administration, I know we take responsibility for our budgets.
Rich DePalma
East Haven
Democrat Rich DePalma serves on the Board of Finance.