Promoting Health and Security
I’m voting for the re-election of State Representative Christine Palm (D-36)to the State Assembly. Why would I vote for anyone else when I have a representative who has already proven her commitment to local residents?
I have read personal accounts about the calls she made to her constituents during the initial phase of the COVID pandemic. It was a time of great uncertainty because we knew very little about the virus or how to be protected from it. Many people were anxious about their safety, the health of family members, and their jobs. I remember how much it meant to me when I received a call from a volunteer, and later, from Representative Palm herself. It was reassuring to know that someone cared enough to reach out during such a difficult time. I am fortunate to have the support of family and friends, but for others who live alone or have limited mobility, these calls were so important to help reduce their fear and isolation. The call from Representative Palm served to remind me that we were all in this together.
Compassionate leadership unites us in a common bond and serves to reinforce our support for each other. It is comforting to know that our state representative cares about her constituents and is dedicated to promoting health and security for all in our community. Representative Christine Palm deserves our votes.
Pamela Potter
Deep River