Reckless Fiscal Policies
As a small-business owner who also frequents local shops and businesses, I see how the policies of the current administration have crippled small businesses in this state and in many cases, forced them to close their doors. The solution to the economic problems in this state always seems to be to raise taxes higher or to introduce a new battery of taxes, 72 to be exact, as we found out when our new governor showed up for work. Cindy Cartier's endorsement by the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) shows the recognition that Cindy's experience as a small business owner and endorses the pro-growth solutions her campaign has outlined.
As a state, we need to strongly support our local businesses. It seems that our current administration believes that re-distribution of wealth is the idea for the future of our state. Cindy's opponent, State Senator Ed Meyer, has shown his propensity to be extremely anti-business during his tenure in Hartford. He presents himself on the campaign trail as a politician who is pro-small business and economic development solely to try to persuade voters to elect him yet again.
Each day we see more "For Rent" and "For Sale" signs out in front of closed businesses. Many of us see homes in our neighborhoods abandoned due to foreclosures, job losses, and families that have just given up. This is the consequence of the reckless fiscal policies endorsed by Senator Meyer. Now is the time to seize the opportunity to elect a new pro-growth, pro-small business senator who will represent us in Hartford and has the knowledge and experience to get Connecticut's economy moving. Now is the time to vote for Cindy Cartier on Nov. 6!
Kirk L. EngstromNorthford