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01/01/2019 11:00 PM

5 Easy Methods to Prevent Extra Pounds This Holiday Season

Depending on what research you read, the average amount of weight gained over the holidays is anywhere between 1 and 13 pounds. With all the sweet treats, cocktails and festive gatherings, it's no wonder there's waistline expansion as we roll into January.

It doesn't have to be this way! And there's no need to be the Grinch and skip all the fun either. By implementing any or all of these five approaches, you won't miss a beat over the holidays and you'll have a lot to celebrate when your clothes fit perfectly after the New Year.

drink water:

Staying hydrated, especially throughout the holidays, is a great way to support the metabolism, detoxify, and keep you feeling full. Start your day with a glass of water before getting out of bed and then drink at least a glass before you eat or drink anything else all day. Splurge on a special cup or glass to make hydration festive!

prioritize sleep:

Poor sleep increases hunger hormones and the stress hormone, cortisol. Studies show that metabolic rate lowers with sleep deprivation as well. So, not only do you get hungrier and crave more carbohydrates when sleep is compromised, but fat burning slows down too! Make sleep better by blocking light exposure after dark, keeping your bedroom comfortably on the cooler side, and minimizing noise and distractions (like cell phones).

move every day:

One of the best ways to increase the metabolism, boost energy, and regulate blood sugar is with daily movement. Monitor activity with a phone app: Set a goal and commit to a minimum number of steps or minutes of movement all six weeks of the season.

eat more before:

It may seem counterintuitive, but it's important to eat a well thought out meal/snack before you attend a gathering. The goal is to feel sated and not starved. By nourishing yourself before potential temptations, you'll be less likely to feel famished and crave all the things. Sea Slim Nutritionist favorite ideas: apple slices with almond butter, hummus with celery, or a Sea Slim Plant Based Protein Smoothie. practice the

90/10 rule:

Perfection is unsustainable, particularly when it comes to eating. Constant deprivation leads to eventual compensation. To find the right balance, make sure 90% of your choices include whole foods in the right balance. But on special occasions (10% of the time), you allow yourself "worth it" treats. This isn't a cheat day or even an entire cheat meal. This is a very selective, mindful choice such as a glass of wine, a sample of your favorite side dish, or a small dessert that you love.

The holidays are about having fun and enjoying the people you love. It is possible to celebrate without regret and weight gain. It's all about finding the right balance with nutrition and lifestyle before, during, and after all the holiday celebrations.

This advice is provided by Sea Slim, located at 455 Boston Post Road, Old Saybrook. For information, visit or call 860-339-5461.