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05/19/2016 12:01 AM

Condo-Friendly Security Tips

Security is an issue no matter where you live or in what, and condominiums are no exception.

From Weiser Lock Corp., the lock manufacturer, come some ways to be safe in your condo building.

It should go without saying, but be mindful of others even when you’re inside your building, says Weiser expert Steve Kolobaric.

Pay attention when walking in stairwells, meet your neighbors, and know the general layout of the building, he said.

If the front entrance to your condo requires a key pass, don’t feel it’s rude not to hold the door open for someone just behind you.

“Just think—if they’re a tenant, they should be happy that you’re not letting unknown people into the building,” Kolobaric said.

Did you change your front-door lock set when you moved in?

“Not only could the past owner still have copies of the key, but so could his friends or your neighbors,” he said.

Changing your lockset will take about 20 minutes and give you the peace of mind of knowing who has the key to your front door.

It sounds simple, but keep your doors locked at all times, Kolobaric said. The majority of burglars gain entry to homes through unlocked doors.

Even if you’re just running to get your mail or down the street for a coffee, there’s no reason not to lock up.

Don’t be tempted to “hide” a key outside your unit, either. There are fewer good hiding spots than you think, and burglars know where to look, he said.

Alert your building supervisor about any burned-out lights in the common areas, such as the lobby, parking garage, or hallways, Kolobaric said.

If you notice anything out of the ordinary, such as open or broken windows, malfunctioning doors or door locks, or anything that could be a security concern, notify your building supervisor, he said.