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11/01/2017 12:00 AM

Kikosicki Gives Back to His Hometown as Youth Football Coach

Yellowjackets’ football alum John Kikosicki is enjoying his first year as a coach with East Haven Youth Football and plans to keep coaching his current crop of 3rd-graders through their 8th-grade seasons. Photo courtesy of John Kikosicki

John Kikosicki graduated from East Haven High School in 2015, although he’s remained a big part of his hometown community by getting involved with the Yellowjackets’ Youth Football program.

After playing football and baseball for East Haven, John went to the University of Bridgeport to continue his career in the latter sport, but stopped playing after suffering an elbow injury. John then transferred to Southern Connecticut State University, where he’s majoring in business administration and management.

Last year, at the East Haven High School football team’s Thanksgiving Day game, John had a conversation with former assistant coach Anthony Aceto that motivated him and fellow program alum Trevor Angelo to step in as assistant coaches for East Haven’s 3rd-grade squad this fall.

“[Aceto] coached us in high school when [former Head Coach Anthony Lucibello] came to East Haven. I knew he had a younger son, and [he was talking to John and Angelo] about how excited his son was to play tackle for the first time,” says John of Aceto, who is the team’s head coach. “He told us if we wanted to help out and coach, we could take this team all the way through 8th grade, so we said yes.”

John, who still lives in East Haven, had previously lent a hand to a few football teams. However, this fall marks the first time that he’s immersed himself as a full-fledged coach.

“I’ve coached before, but I never really had a title. This is my first real coaching experience. In the past, I’ve helped out here and there at the high school when I had time,” says John. “We used to help the younger kids after our practice if we had some extra time. This is different.”

John says that he would also like to help out by coaching on a baseball team if the opportunity presents itself. John feels rewarded that he gets to coach up-and-coming athletes, and he likes having an impact in their lives.

“It’s extremely fun. I enjoy it a lot. Being with the kids, getting to know them, and watching them progress up, seeing them from when they first started to now and seeing how much they improved—you kind of connect with them. It’s just like I’m getting right back into it, and I feel like I’m playing,” John says. “I’m almost positive Coach Aceto is thinking of getting an AAU baseball team together this spring with this same group of kids. If he does that, I’d help out there, too. It’s just like getting back in the game.”

John thinks that he’d make a good baseball coach as a result of his experience playing several different positions in the sport. As a football player, John was always a running back, and so he’s worked in tandem with Angelo to teach their athletes other aspects of the game.

“It’s very different. I felt it’d be easier for me to coach baseball. It’s tough to help the quarterbacks and receivers, which is why having Trevor is such a big help. We jell together and coach all the skill guys on offense and defense,” says John. “We all work together and notice little things to improve. We have just jelled nicely together.”

John is excited to continue working with his current group of kids as they grow up. He plans on sticking with them through the end of their tenures with the East Haven Youth Football program.

“Our goal is to take this same group and coach them all the way up, so they get used to the same group all the way up and get used to our offense and defense,” says John. “None of the games this year count, like there’s no playoffs, but next year is when it really starts.”