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06/01/2016 08:30 AM

Steve DeLucia: Breeding Positivity in East Haven with New Facebook Group

Steve DeLucia is the administrator of The Good Things About East Haven Facebook page, which is gaining popularity. More than 400 folks have joined so far. Photo courtesy of Steve DeLucia

After seeing many negative comments about his hometown on the Internet, including several town-based Facebook pages, Steve DeLucia became disheartened. Then he got motivated. Last June, he decided to create a space for good news, forming “The Good Things About East Haven” Facebook page.

“The groups I came across seemed dismal and negative and I didn’t like what they were saying. These people had nothing nice to say about our town, and I don’t want to be on this group,” says Steve. “I decided to start my own just for the good things. I just wanted to make a group about East Haven and its residents, schools, and sports that was nothing but positives—a group that is family-friendly.”

When Steve started the group, he thought it would be a small group of his friends, family, and acquaintances, but since then, the group has grown to more than 400 members. The group is active with members posting about students’ achievements, community service, town history, and more.

“I’m happy with the reception of the page and the way it took off,” says Steve. “I never expected that. The page is non-political and non-negative. There are a lot of good things going on in town, but the bad stuff gets more press.”

Steve has not only enjoyed seeing the warm welcome for the page, but he has also learned a lot about the town in the process. He has always enjoyed history and one member, Frank Baron, often shares historical photos and stories.

“I’m glad he’s sharing that stuff—I love when people put up old stuff,” says Steve. “I’m a big history buff and love all of the history of the town. The other members seem to, too.”

Steve has also found that many members are using the page to post information on events in town or share photos taken around town.

As lifelong East Haven residents, Steve and wife Michele are raising their children, 14-year-old Marchello, 11-year-old Charlotte, and 5-year-old Ellerie in the town they grew up in. They also have a Labradoodle named Quinn. Steve attended Momauguin School before the middle school and the old high school and enjoys seeing his children do the same.

“I love going back to the schools for the kids’ activities and seeing where I used to go,” says Steve, a 1994 East Haven High School graduate. “I didn’t get to go to the new high school, but my son will get to go there in the fall. It’s a great facility.”

Steve is a general foreman for Ducci Electrical Contractors. His company works on many projects throughout the state including the Q Bridge and is currently renovating part of Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital.

With his work experience, Steve was asked to be a member of the East Haven School Building Committee more than a year ago. The committee, which usually meets about four times a year, has been busy as East Haven prepares for redistricting.

“With my job, we’ve done a lot of work on schools so this committee is a great fit for me,” says Steve. “Because of the construction and renovation of schools in town, we’re starting to become more active.”

This past February, Mayor Joe Maturo asked Steve to join the Fire Commission. Steve is eager to be involved with the Fire Department.

Between work and his volunteer positions with the town, much of Steve’s spare time is filled with family commitments as his children are involved in a variety of activities, including soccer, dance, glee, chorus, piano, karaoke, and more.

Steve also enjoys traveling with his wife and family, whether it’s a family vacation at the end of the summer, weekend getaways to Newport or Block Island with his wife, or day trips around Connecticut. His family also spends a lot of time at Silver Sands Beach Club in the summer.

He also has always had a passion for drawing and recently designed Retro Rock Café’s logo. As the administrator of The Good Things About East Haven Facebook page, Steve keeps an eye on the page, but notes it’s a pretty easy job since it’s a positive site.

“To me, negativity in people is contagious. If somebody is being really negative, the people around them start to be negative, so I’m trying to do the opposite of that,” says Steve. “Especially with kids going on these sites, they shouldn’t be seeing negative stuff about their town and about their school. People want to feel good about where they live.

“All my life I try to find the positive in any situation,” adds Steve. “Every town has its problems and it can be frustrating, but if we just take a moment, sit back, and think about the good things, maybe, just maybe, a solution will present itself and it won’t seem like a problem at all.”