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09/30/2010 12:00 AM

Joe Perez Captains North Branford T-Birds' Football and Baseball

Things seem to just keep getting better for Joe Perez. After finishing up a dream season with the Branford Senior Legion baseball team that ended in the World Series in Washington, Joe is now in the midst of his senior year with the North Branford football team.

Not only is Joe the T-Birds' quarterback, he is also a senior captain-a duty he will also hold for the baseball team this spring.

"As a captain, you have to be a leader and take care of your team," says Joe. "It's a great honor to be a captain of a football team-it's like no other sport because you and your team are pretty much one. For baseball, I'll try to lead my team to states-we made it to the semis last year, but I'd like to win states before I leave high school and move on to college."

Though Joe is unsure of where he will go to school, he does know that he would like to continue his baseball career. His postseason experience with the Branford Legion team meant so much to him that he is basing his college essays on this past summer's experience.

"It was one of the greatest experiences I ever went through," says Joe.

Joe had played AAU with the Connecticut Owls since 7th grade but started Legion two years ago. He was the Junior Legion team's starting shortstop in 2009 and this past summer, he earned the starting left-fielder position with the Senior Legion team.

"Being one of youngest, I wasn't sure I'd have a starting position and when I wasn't liking the looks of it, my father told me, 'Stick with it and you'll get your opportunity' and it ended up happening," he says. "Ever since I could remember he's been to every game I've ever had and always encourages me to do my best."

That work ethic Joe's dad instilled in him carried over onto the gridiron as well. Joe's friends convinced him to give football a try during the second year of tackle and he has been quarterbacking ever since.

Coming into high school, Joe wasn't sure he wanted to continue playing, but after talking to Coach Mark Basil, he decided to give high school competition a try. That decision quickly paid off as he earned the starting JV quarterback position as a sophomore, taking over the varsity team last year as a junior.

"I followed in Gary Esposito's footsteps-he was a senior when I was a sophomore," says Joe. "[Being the starting quarterback as a junior] was a big responsibility and my coaches talked to me a lot and they thought I could take on the role and I did what I had to do. Last year, we had an even record so this year I want to make it positive and would love to go all-league for quarterback."

It wouldn't be Joe's first award as he was named MVP of the T-Birds as a junior. Basil has seen Joe's growth firsthand and is pleased with his quarterback.

"He's an outstanding athlete, a good leader, and a terrific kid," says Basil.

Joe credits Basil for much of his football success and thanks his parents for their support and encouragement over the years. He has high hopes for both the football and baseball seasons and plans to enjoy every moment of his final year in a T-Birds' uniform.

"It's really sad because I don't want to leave my guys and I love high school, I love the coaches, and everything about it," says Joe. "Football is probably my favorite. Baseball is what I'm better at, but football is what I love."