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01/09/2024 01:13 PM

Subcommittees to Tackle Communication, Downtown Improvements

The Town Council has formed two new subcommittees aimed at tackling the downtown and town communications.

At the Dec. 20, 2023 Town Council meeting, the council unanimously appointed two new subcommittees. The first committee is charged with making a report on the downtown and is comprised of Town Council Chairperson Carrie Allen along with council members Chris Aniskovich and Hank Teskey.

That committee will be working with Town Planner Abby Piersall to develop the next steps for implementing improvements in Clinton’s downtown. Over the past six months, the council has made improving the downtown area a priority and has discussed ways to improve the area at council meetings as well as workshops. In November 2023, the council adopted a vision statement for the area and suggested forming a subcommittee to plan how to proceed next.

Allen told the Harbor News that Piersall would be the one actually guiding the committee. The committee will develop a report on priorities for the area and deliver it to the full council at a future date.

The second subcommittee will tackle town communications and is comprised of Allen, Aniskovich, and council member Brian Roccapriore. When he was a candidate for town council in the fall of 2023, Roccapriore named improving town communications something that he wanted to work on if elected and was the one to suggest forming the committee at the meeting on Dec. 20. Roccapriore in the past pointed out that while the town website has much of the information residents are curious about, it can sometimes require knowing where exactly to look and had suggested making a more streamlined approach.

Allen said that while the town has a Facebook page and website, she felt there is a lot of information that the town could put on the pages to keep people informed of town happenings.

“We wanted to more closely at what we’re putting out since there is so much going on,” Allen said.