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12/04/2023 02:11 PM

Stony Creek Fife and Drum Corps Celebrate Old Timers Night

Stony Creek Fife and Drum Corps members play to help celebrate Old Timers Night. Photo by Bill O’Brien
Shown here, Old Timers Night award recipient Bill Ralston (left) with Stony Creek Fife & Drum Corps vice president Ken Avery and president Joe Mooney. Mooney holds the award for recipient John Craglia, who was unable to attend. Photo by Bill O’Brien
Stony Creek Fife and Drum Corps members play to help celebrate Old Timers Night. Photo by Bill O’Brien

Contributed by Bill O’Brien

With the music of fifes and drums, members of Stony Creek Fife & Drum Corps recently gathered to celebrated Old Timers Night.

Stony Creek Fife & Drum Corps president Joe Mooney and vice president Ken Avery and led the corps in honoring award recipients Bill Ralston and John Craglia on Old Timers Night.