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02/16/2022 08:55 AM

Westbrook Sidewalks Set to Extend to YMCA

The expansion of sidewalks in Westbrook’s center just got a significant boost. The town has received nearly $200,000 in state grant funding for sidewalks to connect the YMCA on Spencer Plains Road to the center of town.

Sidewalks currently extend north from town center in Route 153/Essex Road to just north of I-95.

First Selectman John Hall announced on Feb. 3 that the town had received $197,000 through the Connecticut Community Connectivity grant. According to the State’s Department of Transportation website, the point of the grant is to “make conditions safer and more accommodating for pedestrians and bicyclists, thereby encouraging more people to use these healthy and environmentally sustainable modes of travel. Making these improvements will make Connecticut’s community centers more attractive places to live and work.”

“The grant is for sidewalks that will go from the YMCA right to the center of Westbrook,” Hall said.

Hall said that he signed a letter receiving the grant on Feb. 9 and that “once we get notification that it’s authorized, we’ll start with the engineering and I would assume we’ll be in the construction phase by summer.”

Hall said that the grant was applied for before he was in office as first selectman but added he was excited when he heard the grant had been approved.

“I’m always happy to receive a grant,” he said. “Sidewalks are for sure a priority.”

The town has long discussed fixing sidewalks in town and has taken several steps to do so in recent years. The town received a similar grant from the state in 2018 for sidewalk improvements linking the train station to the Town Green and the Walgreens to Salt Island Road. Additional sidewalk plans were part of the five-year capital plan residents approved in the summer of 2021 and politicians for office from both parties that ran in the municipal election included sidewalk improvements as part of their platforms.

Hall explained that improved sidewalks help bring people into the center of town, which is important for developing that area.

“It’s perfect for that area. It creates walking access to several other communities and will bring people to the downtown,” said Hall.

Part of the town’s long-term efforts to rejuvenate the downtown is to make the downtown an accessible place for both residents and businesses, potentially making it a more attractive space for both.

Hall said that the town has more grants for sidewalk improvements pending.