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10/07/2020 09:30 AM

Charity Disc Golf Tournament in Guilford Offers Opportunity to Flip for a Good Cause

The Rick B. Maynard Disc Golf Course is hosting its second charity tournament in as many years on Saturday, Oct. 17, giving residents a chance to stave off the prospect of a long, cold fall and winter with a fun and competitive romp through Bittner Park, all while benefiting folks in need through Guilford’s Meals on Wheels program.

The first event, held just a few months after the course opened, saw 40 competitors take on the 18 holes that meander through the park, raising a little more than $2,000, according to Meals on Wheels Director Christi Burton.

This year, as many residents still rely heavily on the vital services of Meals on Wheels, which has seen more than a 40 percent increase in deliveries during the pandemic, with no sign of slowing, both Burton and Parks & Recreation Director Rick Maynard said they hoped to see an even larger turnout from the community.

“It is a safe, fun thing to do in this environment, so I hope people kind of embrace that and come out and play,” Burton said.

A combination of golf and Frisbee, disc golf challenges players to accurately fling their disc—similar to, but smaller and heavier than a Frisbee—into a basket in as few throws as possible. The Bittner Park course, which was championed and guided by Maynard (now bearing his name), runs through a beautiful section of park, covering about two miles of forested trails.

The fundraiser this year will be more than a tournament, with a clinic taught by course designer Craig Smolin beforehand, complimentary coffee, and plenty of raffles and pizza available for purchase, all raising money for Meals on Wheels. Everyone who signs up will also get a disk so they can come back and play again whenever they want, Maynard said

Burton said that despite everyone struggling in the pandemic, local businesses have again stepped up to sponsor the tournament or contribute raffle items.

“We’re very fortunate because we did get donations through the course of COVID—people are so kind in Guilford to donate to Meals on Wheels, knowing there’s a definite increase in the need for our services,” Burton said.

With other fundraisers canceled or limited, though, Burton said this was a great opportunity for people to get out and directly support people in need, and again, allows residents to trek and toss a disc around in crisp fall weather.

Maynard said he anticipated more interest and more overall skill in this year’s tournament, which is geared toward beginner and intermediate players. He said that he anticipated both brand new players, as well as some of the course’s regulars to compete.

“People are out there every day,” Maynard said.

Masks won’t be required, but groups will be limited to four people maximum, and will be spaced out on the course so they don’t bump into each other, according to Maynard.

Maynard emphasized that this kind of activity has always been deemed safe by health officials, as long as people took these precautions.

“The disc golf course never shut down, it was one thing that we always said you could do,” Maynard said. “It’s just like hiking, but you take a disk, and it’s a little more interesting.”

But whether someone is a disc golf junkie or just someone looking for an excuse to get some exercise with their family, both Burton and Maynard said they were invited to come out and support a great cause.

“I think the feedback we got last year was very positive. Meals on Wheels is always universally a nice thing that people like to support,” Burton said.

To register or for more information, call Parks & Recreation at 203-453-8068 or visit Registrations will also be accepted at the event.