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05/22/2020 12:00 AM

East Haven Beach Opens to Residents Only for Memorial Day Weekend

The East Haven Town Beach is reopening this weekend with certain restrictions in order to comply with Governor Ned Lamont’s Executive Orders and recommended guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP).

Mayor Joseph Carfora passed an Emergency Ordinance today limiting use of the beach and related facilities to residents of the town. For access to the beach, residents must show a current valid photo identification with their East Haven address to beach monitors at the beach entrance.

The beach will be open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday through Sunday and on Memorial Day from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Mayor Carfora stated the following with regard to the ordinance, “We understand how important it is for people to enjoy our beautiful coastline, and this plan will ensure that people have access to the sand and water for use while still remaining safe.”

Beach monitors will also be assisting residents in finding an appropriate location to sit/lie on the beach and will be reminding residents to maintain safe social distancing. They will also be tracking the number of residents admitted to be certain that the maximum capacity set by town officials of 500 residents or fewer (as they may determine is warranted) is not exceeded.

Beachgoers are expected to stay at least six feet apart from others not in their family/group when walking on the beach and related parking and facilities areas, and to wear a mask or cloth face covering over their mouth and nose if unable to maintain this safe social distance. When sitting or lying on the beach, the Town has adopted DEEP’s recommended guideline that a 15-foot distance be maintained blanket-to-blanket to allow a three-foot walkway between groups. Gatherings of more than five people are not allowed in compliance with Governor Lamont’s Executive Order 7N. The splash pad and playgrounds will remain closed.

Parties and gatherings of more than five people at the beach and grove pavilion areas are prohibited, as are recreational pick-up games of any kind. The restrooms will be closed due to their size, but portable restrooms and handwashing stations will be available.

To review all the restrictions contained in the Ordinance, visit the COVID-19 tab on the town’s website at