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08/22/2019 12:00 AM

North Haven High School Earns NEASC Re-accreditiation

North Haven High School (NHHS) has earned continuing accreditation from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). The school completed its decennial evaluation process in the fall of 2018 and recently received confirmation of its successful outcome along with feedback and next steps.

NEASC is the oldest regional accrediting association in New England. It oversees the ongoing accreditation of more than 2,000 schools in six states. According to its website, NEASC “serves the public and the educational community by (1) establishing and maintaining high standards of educational excellence and (2) utilizing accreditation processes, which focus on self-improvement through effective peer review. Schools and colleges which voluntarily demonstrate through the association’s accreditation processes that they meet established Standards, are accredited, and thus become members in the association.”

NHHS’s decennial accreditation process was rigorous. The planning process began in the 2016-’17 school year, organized around NEASC’s 2011 Standards for Accreditation. The heart of the work was self-evaluation completed during the 2017-’18 school year, during which committees of faculty, administrators, staff, students, and parents/guardians studied North Haven High School’s teaching, learning, and support practices. The committees also employed survey evidence from NHHS faculty and staff, student body, and parents/guardians, using survey instruments developed by the Endicott College Research Center. The culmination of the school’s work was a detailed set of informational reports, commendations, and recommendations.

In the fall of 2018, NHHS’s self-study was validated by a NEASC team of 15 regional educators during an intense four-day visit. The visit included reviewing the school’s self-study documents, curricular documents, and student work products. It also included interviewing students, teachers, parents/guardians, Board of Education members, and school and district administrators as well as shadowing students.

The result of the school’s and visiting committee’s work is shared in a May 29 letter from NEASC: “The Committee on Public Secondary Schools, at its April 7-8, 2019 meeting, reviewed the decennial evaluation report from the recent visit to NHHS and voted to award the school continued accreditation in the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.” The decennial report validates NHHS’s self-reflection. It includes a favorable balance of commendations and recommendations as well as clear direction for future improvement.

Next steps include NHHS’s ongoing work to ensure quality teaching and learning experiences rooted in NEASC standards. During the next few years, NHHS will transition from NEASC’s 2011 Standards to its new 2020 standards. Among other important areas, the school’s 2019-’20 focus will be curriculum development.