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07/23/2019 12:00 AM

Uncontested November Elections Will Nonetheless Bring Change to Guilford

Guilford’s Republican and Democratic town committees have put forward a combined nine candidates for the nine open seats on three elected boards appearing on the November ballot. Barring a successful primary challenge, petitioning candidacy, or write-in candidacy, each nominated candidate will be elected on Nov. 5.

Though the uncontested Board of Education (BOE), Board of Finance (BOF), and Board of Assessment Appeals (BOAA) elections promise little drama, there will be significant change, particularly for the BOE. Chair Bill Bloss (D), show has served on the board for two decades, will not seek re-election. Vice-chair Gary Kaisen (R) is also off the slate, ensuring new leadership for the board.

Republicans have nominated Kristen Marottoli Peck to replace Kaisen. Democrats have nominated John Dellaventura to take Bloss’s open seat and will return incumbents Katie Balestracci and Richard Hersh (who was appointed in February to replace Christin Cohen after here election to the State Senate) to the board. The board will retain its 5-4 Democratic majority.

On the BOF, Democrats will return incumbents Meghan Scanlon and Chair Michael Ayles; Republican Kenneth MacKenzie’s seat will be taken by Robert Hartmann, Jr. The board will retain its 4-3 Democratic majority.

For BOAA, Republican Cindy Cartier will replace Amanda Sansone Popplewell at the end of her term. On the Democratic side, Brian Wiley will take the seat held by Dennis Dostert.

In Guilford, selectmen are elected to four-year terms on the Board of Selectmen; that board will appear on the 2021 ballot.