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05/23/2019 12:00 AM

Clinton Harbor Grill to Open May 24 at Former Sal D’s Spot

Starting on Friday, May 24, the concession stand at the Clinton Town Dock will be open under new management. A Facebook post from Evan Johnson in the group “All Things Clinton…” announced that Clinton Harbor Grill be open from May 24 through Columbus Day (Oct. 14) from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Johnson’s post stated that he had been at the restaurant Rocky’s Aqua for 12 years, but decided to scale back his work there last year in the hopes of opening his own business. When bidding for the concession stand opened in the spring, Johnson decided to look into placing a bid.

“I love this location, this community, and it doesn’t hurt that I also LOVE to cook,” Johnson wrote.

The bid was awarded on April 17 to Ev Rock, LLC, which owns Rocky’s Aqua.

The concession stand had become a contentious issue in the spring when it was announced that Sal D’s, the previous tenants, wouldn’t be returning this year as the town was seeking to raise the cost of rent for the concession stand in an effort to reduce some expenses.