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12/12/2018 11:01 PM

Banisch: How Did We Get Here?

Academy School. Should we make it a community center? Should we move town offices over there and make Town Campus a community center? Should we let someone develop it, so it will go on the tax rolls? Should we allow development of the entire property, including the ballfields, or just limit it to the building itself? Or should we just tear it down? We’re hearing about so many options that it has become confusing for some people. How did we get to this point?

I believe it is the job of the Board of Selectmen to reasonably vet opinions of voters prior to bringing a question to referendum, and I believe that we have attempted to do that. I also believe that it’s gotten out of hand. What started out as an request for proposals for development has morphed into a conversation about almost endless possibilities for the building, with varying ramifications for the town. Rather than informing people, I believe some people are more confused than ever. The downside is that this confusion could put a solution for Academy School in jeopardy and keep the building vacant and unproductive.

The telephone poll have been completed and online surveys end Dec. 16, and while I don’t have any results as of this writing, I do believe that now that we will be able to analyze the data, it’s time for the Board of Selectmen to take a leadership role.

I’ve been very transparent from the beginning, to the chagrin and dismay of some, that I support a private option for development of the property. In this, I speak for myself only at this point. I see it as no investment by the town and tax revenues as a result. Some will pooh-pooh the amount of revenues to be gained, but getting revenues from the project versus an $85 per year (or more) tax increase can be seen by many as a no-brainer—especially since staffing and maintenance costs are not a part of that calculation.

We’ve gone through an extremely drawn out process to make sure everyone has been heard. I don’t think any group that has come forward can say that is not the case. But now it’s time to sort through the weeds and get a question on the ballot that will resolve the problem of a 14-plus year vacancy at Academy School.

I promise to continue to be transparent in moving the process forward objectively with the Board of Selectmen. I will be glad to explain my rationale all along the way. I only ask that you let me present my case and not have it be misrepresented by those who would continue to confuse the issue.

Editor's note: An earlier version of this column did not include the closing date for the online poll.