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11/28/2018 11:01 PM

CFMC: Helping Veterans Keep the Past Present

Here in Middlesex County, we realize the value of shared history. It sets the foundation for true community building. It connects us to one another and provides a portal for future generations to connect with their neighbors and their community. Shared history through storytelling allows us to visit the past collectively to gain a better understanding and appreciation for our present, introducing us to everyday people living right next door who have lived through extraordinary times and witnessed events we often only learn about in school. So this season, as we give thanks and as we honor our military veterans for their service, the Community Foundation of Middlesex County (CFMC) couldn’t think of a better time to let you know how one group of local service men and women are giving their stories to future generations with support from their greater community.

Their story starts some five years ago, when the One Book program featured Unbroken, a story of World War II prisoner-of-war Louis Zamperini. At that same time, the Russell Library in Middletown decided to launch a special program associated with the One Book Initiative’s theme and developed a three-week workshop titled “We Were There: Writing Your Military Experiences.” Participants recorded their memories and stories under the guidance of local author Elizabeth “Liz” Petry Riley. From the success of that first workshop came the formation of the Veterans Writing Group, open to all veterans and active service members who want to use their own words to document their personal stories for their own benefit or to share with family and friends.

Today the Veterans Writing Group is going strong. Members continue to meet at the Russell Library under Liz’s tutelage. The majority of the veterans are from Middlesex County, though some come from as far away as Willimantic and Branford. Many are veterans of the Vietnam era, and several served in country during that conflict. Two participating veterans served in World War II and another served at the end of the Korean War. This incredible group of servicemen are not only learning to tell and share their personal stories, though. They are taking the next step and are preparing to publish a book of memoirs titled We Were There, featuring stories and photos of ten of the members. They have secured a publisher and are now working on final edits and story arrangements. Publishing costs are being underwritten through a CFMC grant to Russell Library. The grant award covers the cost of a manuscript typist, an editor, and a designer, and was made possible thanks to several funds at CFMC, including the Bee & Missionary Society Unrestricted Fund; the John A. Barr, Jr. Fund; the Lee and Welles Guilmartin Fund; and the Ann and George Petry Fund.

Upon publication, at least 500 copies of We Were There will be distributed to middle schools, high schools, libraries, and historical societies throughout Middlesex County. The Veterans Writing Group will also provide presentations, programs, workshops, and community conversations at libraries, veterans’ organizations, and other groups. We at CFMC feel privileged to have played a small part in bringing their stories to life for the benefit of our community. We are grateful for the service of our active military and our veterans, and thankful for the many individuals and organizations that helped them share their experiences. We encourage everyone to keep the past present. Visit your local library or historical society. Share your passion for history within your local community. Give us a call at 860-347-0025, or drop us an email at