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08/03/2017 12:00 AM

Guilford Republicans Anticipate Primary on Sept. 12

After a tight vote for the first selectman nomination at the Republican Town Committee (RTC) Caucus on July 20, voters are now very likely looking at a primary on Tuesday, Sept. 12. As of Aug. 2, Board of Finance (BOF) Member Ken MacKenzie successfully obtained the required number of signatures for a petition to challenge RTC candidate Bob Hartmann for the party nomination.

Republican Town Committee Chair Gloria Nemczuk confirmed MacKenzie submitted a petition with about 200 signatures, which are currently being verified.  

At the caucus, the final vote for the nomination was close with Hartman taking in 77 votes and MacKenzie taking 71. At the time, MacKenzie said he would likely push for a primary and has now been successful. To call a primary, MacKenzie needed to obtain 173 signatures by Wednesday, Aug. 9, which would call a primary on Tuesday, Sept. 12.

“Following the caucus, I received dozens of calls, emails, and texts, encouraging me to pursue the nomination,” said MacKenzie in a statement. “It was truly humbling and inspiring.”

MacKenzie said he enjoyed getting out and speaking with voters during the petition process.

“In the past week, I have met more and more residents who share my ideals and my aspirations for Guilford,” he said. “I hope I have provided a positive voice to communicate residents’ ideas in my service to the Town and will continue to aim to do so.”

Candidate Bob Hartmann said he looks forward to the primary and getting his message out to residents.

“I think we just need to focus on what we want to do—open up the town transparency, protect our education—and job number one is protect the Town of Guilford from Hartford and the financial mismanagement in Hartford,” he said.

Hartmann said he want to talk to residents about what is already great about Guilford and the path going forward.

“We are all about unity and we want to preserve talent in the party,” he said. “I think Ken [MacKenzie] is well placed on the BOF and that is that. I am focused on the people of Guilford…People are drawing lines in the sand but I am not about that. It is not a party thing, it is about serving all of the people of Guilford.”

Once all petition signatures are verified, the Guilford Republican Primary will be set for Tuesday, Sept. 12.

Check back for updates.