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06/27/2017 12:00 AM

Madison Selectman Bob Hale Will Not Seek a Third Term

Election season is officially underway after Selectman Bob Hale (R) announced at the June 26 Board of Selectman (BOS) meeting that he would not seek a third term in November.

Hale, who has lived in town and served on various boards and committees for decades, said he is ready to step back from elected office.

“I am not going to seek a third term as a selectman,” he said. “I have enjoyed my time on the board and have a sense of accomplishment for the work we have done.”

Hale said his reason for not seeking a third term is he and his wife would like to travel more, a desire that does not mesh with a selectman’s schedule.

“This is a primary factor in my decision not to run for a third term,” he said. “The budget process and time commitment in January and February does not allow much travel time during the winter months.”

Despite not running for the BOS, Hale said he will still remain an active member of the Madison community.

“I don’t plan to stop serving our town,” he said. “I hope to continue my work as a volunteer member on one of our appointed boards or commissions.”

Hale said one of the projects he was most proud to be a part of during his time as a selectman was the Downtown Center Project, a project he said is critical to the vitality of downtown Madison. While he may not be on the board next year, Hale reflected on the challenges future selectmen are likely to face in the coming years.

“I think the more important things we are going to be doing is working out some arrangements with other towns to share [resources] and I think that is an important piece,” he said.

Hale’s announcement at the meeting was greeted with applause and thanks.

“Thank you for your service Bob,” said First Selectman Tom Banisch.