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05/03/2016 04:15 PM

Getting Ready for May Daze in Chester

For decades now, May in Chester means May Daze Night and, although bridge construction is still ongoing in the center of town, residents will exhibit true Chester style and move forward with the annual spring celebration, this year with a special twist—swing dancing.

Beyond the new art exhibits, sales, gift drawings and more, this year on Friday, May 6, when the clock strikes 8 p.m. Chester Rotarian and DJ Gary Torello will turn up the music and the Swing Dance street party will begin.

“This is something new we have never done before, but we are all very excited about,” said Suzie Woodward, owner of Lark on Water Street. “Who doesn’t like to dance? This will give us all a reason to get out there, enjoy the night, and dance if we want to.”

Tying into the theme of “swinging through Chester,” Woodward has invited several known area swing dancers to the event, as well as ballroom dancers to show off a few moves.

“There will be some opportunity for instruction for those who want it, but that is not the main focus of the event,” said Woodward.”

Fingers are crossed for good weather for the evening’s festivities, however, Woodward explained that if the dance in the street does get rained out, they will “just do it another time.”

May Daze Night in Chester has always meant a night to convene in the town’s center, meet up with friends, see new art exhibits, find sales, enter gift drawings at the shops, hear good music, and enjoy savory treats and wines as guests browse around and support local merchants and shops. This year, the event is even more important than ever, due to the bridge construction project, which has been ongoing since early January and is slated to be completed by the end of the month.

Woodword said the residents have strongly supported the downtown businesses throughout the construction; Chester has also recently received accolades in national magazines for its small-town charm, which hasn’t hurt. In addition, Woodward praised the enthusiasm, excitement, and support of First Selectman Lauren Gister for her role in keeping spirits high and “making lemonade out of lemons” in regard to the bridge construction project.

“Lauren has been heavily involved in the planning of this event and is completely on board and excited, which I think says a lot about the general attitude of the Town of Chester,” said Woodward. “We are all in this together and the merchants, as well as the residents, have all worked together to create consistency during this time, and make this construction project just a blip, not a major inconvenience.”

May Daze Night begins at 5 p.m. on Friday, May 7 and the dance party will go until 10 p.m. Parking is available in several public parking lots, on Water Street and on Maple Street. For more information, visit or