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05/21/2014 12:00 AM

Board Appoints Tara Winch as WHS Principal

Tara Winch is new WHS Principal: Last Tuesday evening, the Westbrook Board of Education officially appointed Tara Winch of Old Saybrook to be the new Westbrook High School principal. Winch replaces Principal Bob Hale (at left), who will retire at the end of this school year.

WESTBROOK - The search is over, and now it's official: Tara Winch will be the new principal of Westbrook High School, replacing Principal Bob Hale, who retires at the end of the school year.

Superintendent of Schools Pat Ciccone introduced Winch at last week's Board of Education meeting.

"We were indeed very fortunate to interview and select Tara Winch," said Ciccone.

Ciccone reviewed Winch's background and experience for the board and audience members.

"Tara has been the associate principal at Old Saybrook High School from 2004 to the present and previously served as the interim principal of Old Saybrook High School when the district needed her. She started as a high school English teacher and drama director and has personally choreographed at least 21 high school productions."

The superintendent also hailed Winch's experience with NEASC accreditation preparations, staff evaluations, coordinating SBA and AP testing, and chairing the Student Assistance Team in Old Saybrook.

"I hear it far and wide-she's at everything all the time. Her references are absolutely stellar, and she will be a wonderful asset. The [high school] students who interviewed her [during the search process] were very enthusiastic," continued Ciccone.

"I knew this was a good fit when I met the students," Winch told the board. "This is a dream come true for me."

Winch earned her sixth-year administrative leadership credential, known as an 092, in 2000 from Sacred Heart University. She was awarded a bachelor's degree in English with a concentration in both drama and French by the University of Connecticut at Storrs. This was followed by a master's degree in liberal arts with a concentration in humanities that she earned at Wesleyan University.

Winch began her career in education at Old Saybrook High School in September 1989 as a high school English teacher and drama director.


Both Winch and incoming Daisy Elementary School Principal Ruth Rose will be publicly introduced to the community at a brief reception at the Board of Education's June 10 regular meeting. The board will adjourn its business meeting shortly after 7 p.m. to allow the reception to begin.

Ciccone said that both of the districts' new principals should be working full-time in Westbrook by July 1.