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10/25/2011 12:00 AM

What Actually Makes up Guilford's ERP

While the possibility of hunting on the East River Preserve (ERP) has taken much of the spotlight over the past months as the town prepares an ERP Management Plan, members of the committee tasked with protecting the preserve are hoping residents will see there's more to the plan, which addresses the needs of many rare species that call the preserve home.

Following a townwide referendum, in August 2009 Guilford purchased the 583-acre preserve formerly known as the Goss property. The East River Preserve Management Plan Committee (ERPMPC) was established by the Board of Selectmen and was put in charge of developing a management plan for the land that satisfies both grant and town requirements for open space.

The ERPMPC catalogued close to 30 species of special concern that have been found at the ERP, including eastern box turtle, red-bellied woodpecker, and a bald eagle spotted perching outside the ERP.

In the plan, the committee has also documented 87 different species of birds, 16 species of amphibians and reptiles, 21 species of fish, 27 species of invertebrates, and 28 species of butterfly that call the preserve home-not to mention various trees, shrubs, and grasses.

"The ERP is divided into three distinct vegetative zones: the 25 acres along the East River with its tidal wetlands and woodland ecotone, the 25 acres of farm fields, and the approximately 530-acre forested interior. Of the 530 acres of woodland, about 125 acres are inland wetlands," the plan's executive summary states.

Within these areas there are critical ecosystems that provide habitat for many of the species that have been catalogued.

There are multiple goals for the ERPMP, including conserving a diverse and healthy group of habitats, supporting a healthy balance of wildlife, and promoting and encouraging educational opportunities.

The Board of Selectmen received the completed ERPMP at its Oct. 3 meeting. A public hearing was scheduled so residents can receive a presentation of the entire plan and have the opportunity to ask questions of the committee.

The public hearing will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center. An online version of the plan can be found on the main page of the town's website,