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04/10/2024 08:00 AM

Send a Strong Message

On April 2 at the Guilford Annual Town Budget Meeting, the bullying tactics of First Selectman Matt Hoey, Selectman Lou Federici, Town Council Peter Barrett, Bill Bloss, and BOF member Bob Hartman were on full display. First Selectman Hoey began the meeting by recognizing Federici for the purpose of nominating a moderator. Federici nominated Bill Bloss, there was a second, and then Hoey called for a vote without asking if there were any other nominations. He then called for a voice vote and approved Bloss for moderator. Prior to the start of the meeting, I spoke with Hoey and informed him that we were going to nominate a moderator, to which he replied “OK.” When I rose to protest, he shouted me down, saying I was out of order and that “we do sequential nominations. We do not have the capacity to do multiple nominations. No point of order is granted.” There is no language anywhere in the Town Charter to this effect.

But it gets worse. After each motion was made to reduce the budget, Bloss readily accepted requests to “call the question”. This is a procedure used to limit discussion after it goes on too long. On Tuesday night, it eliminated any discussion at all. What is the purpose of a Town Meeting if there is no discussion?

I urge all Guilford taxpayers to go to and watch the video of this meeting. You will see how you have been once again disrespected. Please send them a strong message by voting no on the budget Referendum on Tuesday, April 16.

Dave Holman
