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03/27/2024 08:00 AM

Be Your Own Best Advocate

In the fall of 2022, many Guilford homeowners saw our house values assessed at a 48% increase, which led to hefty property tax increases. Then, in 2023, our property taxes were again raised.

In 2022 and 2023, fewer than 13% of eligible taxpayers voted in the budget referendum with the ever-increasing school budget.

Most workers commute and cannot attend 8:30 a.m. Board of Selectman meetings or Town meetings.

Go to the website to look over the current budget proposal, which, as usual, increases our tax bills.

The Branford Representative Town Meeting has proposed a zero budget increase this year. It is an option.

Attend the Town Meeting on Tuesday, April 2, at 7:30 p.m. at the Guilford High School and support a zero tax increase for Guilford.

Speak up; it is time to say enough. We deserve a break.

Speak for yourself and your personal budgetary needs.

See the reminder to vote banner at the North end of the Town Green.

Vote in the budget referendum on Tuesday, April 16.

Be your own best advocate.

Colleen Otis
