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01/10/2024 08:00 AM

Gratitude to the Community

On behalf of the Guilford Interfaith Volunteers, I would like to express my gratitude to the Guilford community for helping make the Meals on Wheels holiday delivery extra special.

Our Meals on Wheels program delivered 95 meals and gift bags on Christmas Day. Many thanks go to the dedicated, hard-working kitchen staff headed up by Larry Santamaria for making a delicious pot roast meal. Thanks to Fresh Market, which donated fresh fruit. Wonderful craft items were donated by the children of Guilford Lakes Elementary. Many thanks to Cynthia Pallman for once again donating beautiful hand-knit lap blankets as she has done for many years. The meals were also made special with handmade placemats by Grant Raynor and handmade holiday cards by the Guilford elementary schools. Numerous gifts were added to their holiday bags due to the generosity of Anneke Dillingh, who donated Yankee candles and Pages Hardware for hosting the “Be a Santa to a Senior” holiday gift tree and their customers who participated in the programs.

Without the volunteer drivers who sacrificed their time on Christmas Day, these meals and gift bags would not be delivered. Last but not least, I would like to thank Christi Burton, director of Meals on Wheels, for all her extra hard work in coordinating this special meal, as well as her constant dedication throughout the year.

I am so grateful to be a part of this organization as well as the generous Guilford community.

Pat Colburn

Guilford Interfaith Volunteers Board President