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11/01/2023 08:00 AM

Gets Things Done

I am writing in support of Peggy Lyons for first selectwoman.

Other letters to the editor in September and October have already enumerated the many accomplishments of the first four years of the Lyons administration. I’d like to emphasize a few points here. Most of these projects had been stalled or not addressed for many years. After soliciting resident input via surveys, they were put forth to the citizens of Madison for approval, as is appropriate according to our recently updated Charter and Town Meeting form of government. Peggy applied her background in corporate planning and finance to get the town on track, moving forward with strategic long-term planning. This was after she skillfully and safely guided us through the COVID-19 pandemic with readily available vaccinations.

Due to her consensus-building skills, most Board of Selectmen decisions are now unanimous (5 to 0). And our bi-partisan budgets have been fiscally responsible, keeping annual increases low.

When she sees an issue that needs addressing, she tackles it.

Peggy has applied for and successfully brought in over $13 million in State and Federal grants to help with the costs of Town projects and save taxpayer money, something no one had tried to do previously.

Peggy has significantly increased communication with the public with her weekly email newsletters, and she has been running a positive campaign.

As a Madison resident for nearly 30 years, I’ve witnessed the change. Peggy gets things done, and the Town is now running smoothly. The three Town Boards are working well together. Please join me in supporting Peggy Lyons for another four years, along with the rest of the highly-qualified candidates on the Democratic ticket.

Susan Glantz
