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11/01/2023 08:00 AM

Experience, the Energy, the Intellect, and the Compassion

I am thrilled to have Al Goldberg as a candidate for Board of Selectmen (BOS). He is the epitome of a public servant, not a politician. He puts the needs of our community first. Al was a wonderful mentor when I was on the Board of Selectmen. Whenever I had an idea or wanted to bring up a particular subject, Al would ask, “What is the benefit for Madison?” If you ever watch BOS meetings, Al asks probing questions that help to educate the public on the topic at hand. The one word that comes to mind when I think of Al is mensch.

As a selectman, Scott Murphy strives to keep the public informed on issues, listens intently to constituents, and works constructively across the aisle. I believe that Scott Murphy has such great energy and insight into Madison, which he uses for the betterment of our town. I am grateful for the work Scott puts in and also for his vision and determination to make Madison the best possible town to live in.

I am continuously impressed by how superbly Peggy Lyons has conducted herself in the role of first selectwoman. She led us through COVID, keeping our Madison community informed and working diligently with local and state officials to ensure our safety. She operates to foster collaboration and bipartisanship within the town’s government. Peggy has a strong financial intellect that has served Madison well, garnering over $13 million in grant money to reduce the burden on taxpayers for capital projects. Peggy is a leader we can count on.

These candidates for Board of Selectmen have the experience, the energy, the intellect, and the compassion that we need. I am proud to call them friends and hope you will join me in voting for them on Tuesday, Nov. 7.

Joan Walker
