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10/25/2023 08:00 AM

Vote for the Individual

After some heated deliberation and contentious debate, the Clinton Green Party did not submit a slate of candidates for this year’s municipal elections, and although we have been asked, we will not cross-endorse candidates publicly.

That said, we continue to be generally impressed with both slates of candidates for the Town Council, the Board of Education, and the Planning and Zoning Commission. Most of the names on the ballot seem committed, competent, and concerned about Clinton’s economic, financial, environmental, and overall general health.

And unlike some previous election seasons, public discussions and campaign literature (and the general buzz around town) seem primarily based on policy initiatives, budget priorities, zoning regulations, and other community issues of importance. These types of conversations can only continue to improve our overall civic health in general.

However, we continue to harbor some major concerns. Most importantly, we still sincerely believe that a two-party system does not serve the majority of Americans and, by association, Clintonites. Polls consistently reveal that citizens are losing faith in our formerly trusted institutions, elections being at the top of that list. Perpetuating a two-party system that has outgrown its usefulness and most often benefits the status quo (most notably those in power wishing to retain it) must be scrutinized with a critical eye. As a third party, we believe the time has come for us to do better. Narrowed choices and limited options serve no one.

So, for the time being, and until we finally change our deeply entrenched political culture, we encourage voters to look closely at the candidates and refuse to cast a vote solely on party affiliation. Vote with the belief that the individual, and not the party, will work for you.

Eric Bergman
