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10/11/2023 09:49 AM

Important to the Vitality and Sustainability

Old Saybrook voters know children enrolled in a good public school system are important to the vitality and sustainability of our community. On Tuesday, Nov. 7, voters will determine who will lead our schools into the future. These Democratic candidates want your votes for Board of Education (BOE).

Jane WisialowskI is currently serving on the BOE. Jane and her husband, both 24-year residents, have two sons who were educated in our public school system. She has been a consistent and highly respected member of Parent Teacher Associations in all three schools. She has also been a leader in fundraising for Safe Grad Night for the past five years. Jane wants to stay connected to our youth through her elected leadership role.

Jack Cardello is a public school teacher with over two decades of experience. As such, he is very familiar with both the structure and policy needed to provide quality education. When elected, he looks forward to having productive, student-focused conversations with his fellow board members. Jack will bring a positive presence and strong student advocacy to BOE discussions for the benefit of all our students.

Earl Swain, a lifelong resident, was educated in our public school system. Currently, he is a single parent of four sons aged 10 to 16 who are students in town. He is particularly interested in advocating for resources needed to further the success of our students in the area of technology. Another goal for Earl is to help special needs students receive the accommodations they need to succeed now and in their futures.

With declining student enrollment and ever-increasing costs, members of the Board of Education need to have difficult discussions and reach data-driven decisions. Jane WisialowskI, Jack Cardello, and Earl Swain want to do that for our community.

Marston Ladd

Old Saybrook