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10/11/2023 09:50 AM

Best Candidate to Accomplish the Duties

A town’s leadership has the responsibility to truly listen to its residents, not a select few. Their decisions affect our children’s education, our public safety, our quality of life, and the ability to attract appropriate new businesses to help offset our ever-increasing tax burden. I have always voted across party lines for whoever was the most qualified candidate for the position.

On Tuesday, Nov. 7, we will vote for the candidates who will be our best advocates and be the best stewards of our $25 million town business budget. A candidate must have empathy, be fiscally responsible, have proven organizational skills, must have fire in their belly to put themselves out to walk and talk to the people, to listen, and must be honest about their experience.

We, the residents of Deep River, are all in this together, each resident, regardless of party affiliation, Democrat, Republican, unaffiliated. I have begun to hear a select few casting false rumors about their opponent; this is exactly the problem that has gotten our country into hot water. The residents of Deep River must peel back the layers of popularity contests and historically unqualified leaders of small towns. We must research the candidates and vote for the best person who will move our great town forward with a solid, organized vision to leave a great legacy to the generations that will follow us. This is not a time for divisiveness over party lines for the benefit of Deep River’s future successes.

As an unaffiliated voter, I am casting my vote for the person who I believe will be the best candidate to accomplish the duties of this complex position: Kathryn Russell for first selectwoman.

Michael Anthony DiNello

Deep River