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10/04/2023 09:05 AM

Needs Your Vote

I am writing this letter in support of my husband, Dennis Donovan, who is running for reelection to the Town Council. I know it may be construed as biased, but I think it necessary to be written.

I know personally how much Dennis loves this town and has worked for 35 years to make it a better place to live. He has been involved in many building committees as well as elected positions and community events.

Dennis has always been a staunch supporter of education and our youth programs. He has been a constant watchdog over the undesignated surplus fund and has advocated for responsible use of the same to improve our town's infrastructure and provide relief for our taxpayers.

During these last four years on the Town Council, Dennis has attended many workshops to address the improvement of downtown and its businesses, the Pierson School project, the use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) federal funds, and, more recently, supporting our town library.

I know that he takes to heart any problem that occurs in our town and works to find solutions for them. Recently, he walked the Indian River Complex to find a suitable place for pickleball courts. This is the type of person he is.

Finally, I would like to say that Dennis loves to be at fundraising events as an announcer, having fun with the public. His love of life right now is announcing for The Morgan School home football games, which he has done for several years. So you see that there are many sides to my husband that I wanted you to know, and that is why I am asking you to please vote for Dennis in this year's election; he needs your votes.

Elizabeth Donovan
