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09/27/2023 08:00 AM

Puts Madison Residents First

I am writing to voice my support to reelect First Selectwoman Peggy Lyons on Nov. 7. Peggy has earned my vote because she has proven yet again that her leadership is one that puts Madison residents first.

Peggy’s leadership got our town to a vote on the Academy Community Center and the School Renewal Plan. When the townspeople spoke, she listened and worked to bring down the costs of these major projects by having a cooperative dialogue with our state officials in Hartford. As a result, Madison residents will be saving millions of dollars in projects that will strengthen our schools and bring people together.

Peggy is also detail-oriented. Did you know, until this year, our original emergency shelter was in a FEMA flood zone? Indeed, the very building that was designated to help those displaced by a disaster, such as a hurricane, was itself prone to flooding risks. Peggy not only moved the emergency shelter to Polson Middle School, now safely outside any flooding risk, but with thanks to her leadership, she successfully got Connecticut’s federal delegation to secure $1 million in grants to fund a new backup generator at Polson so that evacuees who seek shelter from the next big storm would not be in floodwaters due to a simple oversight.

As someone who can appreciate when my local officials are working to make my hometown a better place to live, I can say that Peggy is a thoughtful, intelligent leader whose hard work has improved our great Madison. I hope my fellow residents will join me this Tuesday, Nov. 7 to reelect her as our first selectwoman.

Jack Dobson
