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09/27/2023 08:00 AM

No More Sacred Right and Duty

Registrars have the unique privilege of a front-row seat to our country’s democratic process. We register voters and inform candidates of their requirements to run for office, and we are responsible for administering secure and accurate elections every year.

We are there through early mornings and late nights during municipal, state, and presidential elections for every budget referendum and special election. We fulfill our duties no matter the time of year or the weather outside. We may be elected officials, but we’re Americans first, and we proudly serve our communities.

We have performed — and continue to perform — our civic duty, and now it’s time for everyone else to do theirs. Despite high voter turnout in Presidential election years, participation dips to under 35% turnout in local elections. Please go out to vote this year. All eligible voters can vote in the general election on Tuesday, Nov. 7. There is no more sacred right and duty that Americans have than voting.

We can’t wait to see our voters this year!

Ann Devine

Jim Newton

Madison Registrar of Voters