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09/27/2023 08:00 AM

A Proven Advocate

I am writing in support of the reelection of Democrat Susan Esty to the Old Saybrook Parks and Recreation Commission because Susan has worked tirelessly to improve and maintain the beautiful parks and facilities we all enjoy.

We can count on Susan to listen to the voices of our friends and neighbors. Recreation must be available to everyone, and Susan is committed to the mission of the Parks and Recreation Department of "bringing our community together through excellence in our beaches, parks, fields, facilities, and programs." In her position as chair of the Commission, Susan has worked extensively with department staff in creating new activities for our residents.

Susan Esty deserves our support on Tuesday, Nov. 7. She is a proven advocate for a department of which we can all be proud. She brings commitment, tenacity, and vitality to serving all Old Saybrook residents. On Election Day, vote for Susan Esty, a Democratic candidate who loves our community and who will continue to promote excellent programs on the Parks and Recreation Commission.

Karen Prendergast

Old Saybrook