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09/06/2023 11:04 AM

Will Readily and Quickly Contribute

I strongly support Zachary Plourde for a position as a full member of the Town of Clinton’s Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC). As an alternate member of the PZC, Zack is already knowledgeable about the issues and programs affecting Clinton and can, therefore, readily and quickly contribute to the Commission’s ongoing and future work if elected as a full member.

Zack’s knowledge and experience in environmental analysis and management means that he will provide an important perspective to the PZC. The commission is just beginning to update and revise the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), which will guide Clinton’s zoning decisions over the next decade. Safeguarding the Town’s environmental resources and protecting the community against a wide range of natural hazards (flooding, drought, wetland intrusion, increased storm activity, etc.) are especially critical issues in the face of our changing climate, and these are issues that will need to be addressed in the new POCD.

Zack has shown himself to be respectful of both landowner rights and other PZC members’ perspectives when seated as an alternate member in evaluating zoning and site plan applications before the PZC. His environmental expertise will also greatly assist the PZC in developing appropriate zoning regulations to better protect adjacent development, surrounding natural resources, and the Town’s infrastructure and budget. This is a critical and important perspective that Zack will bring to the Clinton PZC.

I will be voting for Zachary Plourde for the Clinton Planning and Zoning Commission this November, and I urge you to do so as well.

Martin Jaffe
