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08/16/2023 06:19 AM

Majority Matters

I want to thank the town of Clinton for allowing me to represent you as a Democratic member of the Town Council. I am proud of the work that Carrie Allen and I have done over the last few years. We have accomplished a lot despite being part of the minority party on the Council. As a whole, the Town Council likes each other and works together; however, there are crucial times when the two parties disagree. There were two critical votes over the last two years that went against the Democrats. Two years ago, Carrie made a motion to lower taxes by taking money out of the undesignated account. This never even made it to a vote, as the Republicans did not agree. This year the Republicans made a motion to cut $350,000 from the education budget. Carrie and I voted against this, but as the minority, we lost the vote. A third instance was during this year’s budget vote, where I made a motion to keep taxes flat by using more funds from the undesignated fund. Two of the Republicans voted against this motion.

I believe these examples show the importance of having the majority on government boards. It simply matters. I would be thrilled to see what can be accomplished with a Democratic majority in Clinton.

For those of you that share some of these democratic views, such as funding the education of our kids and keeping taxes in check, you need to vote to put the Democrats back into the majority.

On Town Council, the Democrats need to win two of the three open seats to win that majority. We have two outstanding candidates: Hank Teskey and Brian Roccapriore.

There are very strong Democrats running for many other positions as well.

Chris Passante
