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05/24/2023 08:10 AM

Two Distinct Tasks

It was a great disappointment to review the article (“Residents Seeking Less Invasive Tree Removal,” May 11) on less invasive tree removal, which seems to promote contradictory terminology, thus confusion and misinformation. Tree maintenance and tree removal are two distinct tasks.

Let us begin by reviewing the 3 S’s:

Scenic - of or relating to natural scenery, a scenic view. (Merriam-Webster).

Safety - the state or condition of being safe: freedom from hurt, injury, or loss. (Merriam-Webster).

Sustainability - is the practice of using natural resources responsibly, so they can support both present and future generations. (National Geographic).

Scenic topic: If there are too many dead trees, it blocks the view and light - blocking scenic views. Artfully, a forest is scenic, but they use controlled burning for maintenance and sustainability.

Safety topic: Dead and aged trees can kill people, shut down power, damage property, and harm animals. Walkers, bike riders, car drivers, horseback riders, seniors, medically challenged individuals, infants, and wildlife. Think about power – hot water, telephone access, internet access, well water, electricity, etc.

Sustainability: Remove dead and dangerous trees. Support the Eversource mission. Let Mr. Hoey do his job rather than deal with complainers.

Have faith and hope for the future. Be positive.

Ellen Brubeck
