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04/05/2023 02:11 PM

Get Serious About Protecting the Environment

It’s very sad that the people of North Branford do not seem able to protect the natural resources of their lovely town. But before you dismiss my comments because I live in Branford, I live only three miles from Maple Tree Farm in North Branford, so North Branford’s environmental choices have a direct effect on me.

On Totoket Road and Parsonage Hill Road, millions of organisms (plants, insects, and birds) were destroyed for housing developments, and the acreage surrounding the houses was planted with lawn and other non-native flora. Having a large swath of lawn is an outdated status symbol from the 1950s, and today is responsible for significant pollution of waterways from fertilizer runoff. A lawn does not support insect life, which is critical for human life to continue on this planet. This is a disaster for the environment because lawn and non-native flora do not support local organisms. It would have been so easy to require developers to include native plantings and reduced amounts of lawn in their plans. Please, North Branford, get serious about protecting the environment and the natural resources of your town.

Kate Galambos
