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02/15/2023 08:20 AM

Doesn’t Speak For Me

Recently, the Branford Representative Town Meeting (RTM) defeated a proposed non-binding resolution calling for an Environmental Impact Study of proposed improvements for Tweed New Haven Regional Airport. Good.

First Selectman Jamie Cosgrove correctly pointed out that a number of Branford residents use the airport and look forward to additional service. Cosgrove was also spot on when stating that those businesses the town has attempted to attract have emphasized improved transportation as imperative to locating here, including an improved local airport.

As for the opposition's claims of the airport "poisoning the shoreline," I suggest they focus their efforts on New Haven's Mill and Quinnipiac rivers and the city's sewage treatment plant, which are much greater contributors to Long Island Sound's decline.

Ken Engelman of Save Our Shoreline doesn't speak for me or for any of my friends and family.

Truth be told, our town has far more pressing concerns than a plane flying 1,000 feet overhead for 10 or 15 seconds.

Kathryn A. Coppola
