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11/02/2022 08:00 AM

Policy and Constituent Service

Government representatives have two roles: policy and constituent service. State Senator Norm Needleman is brilliant at both. In policy, Norm has been particularly forceful on energy issues. He helped push through a law to set a zero-carbon target for the state for 2040. He has promoted state subsidies for solar and wind energy. He has extended support to the Millstone Nuclear Power Station.

In constituent service, he has been tireless in getting power restored after storms and has been a legislative gadfly forcing Eversource to provide the service that its customers deserve. Because of Norm, our energy bills are going down. On Norm’s watch, Eversource has paid tens of millions of dollars in fines.

I am voting to reelect Norm, because he’s working to promote my interests and my material needs.

Anne Stevenson-Yang
